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Production of high-quality pyrolysis product by microwave–assisted catalytic pyrolysis of wood waste and application of biochar
Arabian Journal of Chemistry ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.arabjc.2023.104961
Hui Guo , Xiaojing Qin , Song Cheng , Baolin Xing , Dengke Jiang , Weibo Meng , Hongying Xia

Wood waste is employed as the feedstock for production of high-quality pyrolysis products such as bio-oil, bio-gas and biochar by microwave pyrolysis using ZnCl2 and Fe(NO3)3 as additive at 400–800 °C. Pyrolysis temperature influences the yield of the pyrolysis products, which indicates that the yield of bio-gas increases and the yield of biochar decreases as pyrolysis temperature increases. The yield of the bio-oil is little influenced by pyrolysis temperature, which is restrained in the existence of ZnCl2 and Fe(NO3)3. ZnCl2 increases the furfural content in bio-oil. While Fe(NO3)3 promotes H2 production during pyrolysis process. The maximum heating value of bio-gas produced at 800 °C is 12.26 MJ/Nm3. The added ZnCl2 and Fe(NO3)3 increase the yield of the biochar, which also promote the formation of pore structure of biochar. The ZnCl2 and Fe(NO3)3 are converted into ZnO and Fe3O4 onto biochar after pyrolysis, which could be used as the absorbent and photocatalyst for methyl orange removal.



以木材废料为原料,采用ZnCl 2和Fe(NO 3 ) 3作为添加剂,在400-800℃下微波热解生产生物油、生物气和生物炭等优质热解产品。热解温度影响热解产物的产率,这表明随着热解温度的升高,生物气的产率增加,生物炭的产率降低。生物油的产率受热解温度影响很小,受ZnCl 2和Fe(NO 3 ) 3存在的限制。ZnCl 2增加生物油中的糠醛含量。而Fe(NO 3 ) 3促进H2在热解过程中产生。800℃时产生的沼气最大热值为12.26 MJ/Nm 3。添加的ZnCl 2和Fe(NO 3 ) 3提高了生物炭的产率,同时也促进了生物炭孔隙结构的形成。ZnCl 2和Fe(NO 3 ) 3热解后转化为ZnO和Fe 3 O 4到生物炭上,可用作甲基橙去除的吸收剂和光催化剂。
