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Pd(II)-based coordination polymer nanosheets for ratiometric colorimetric and photothermal dual-mode assay of serum alkaline phosphatase
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2023.122802
Kailing Li 1 , Jun Wang 1 , Li Liu 1 , Hui Cao 1 , Xu Yang 1 , Ying Liu 1 , Jikai Wang 1 , Suisui He 1 , Hua Wei 1 , Cui-Yun Yu 1

Fabrication of a multi-signal readout assay with high sensitivity and selectivity is highly desirable for clinical and biochemical analysis, but remains a challenge due to laborious procedures, large-scale instruments, and inadequate accuracy. Herein, a straightforward, rapid, and portable detection platform based on palladium(II) methylene blue (MB) coordination polymer nanosheets (PdMBCP NSs) was unveiled for the ratiometric dual-mode detection of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) with temperature and colorimetric signal readout properties. The sensing mechanism is the ALP-catalyzed generation of ascorbic acid for competitive binding and etching PdMBCP NSs to release free MB in a quantitive means for detection. Specifically, ALP addition led to the decrease of temperature signal readout from the decomposed PdMBCP NSs under 808 nm laser excitation, and simultaneous increase of the temperature from the generated MB with a 660 nm laser, together with the corresponding absorbance changes at both wavelengths. Notably, this ratiometric nanosensor exhibited a detection limit of 0.013 U/L (colorimetric) and 0.095 U/L (photothermal) within 10 min, respectively. The reliability and satisfactory sensing performance of the developed method were further confirmed by clinic serum samples. Therefore, this study provides a new insight for the development of dual-signal sensing platforms for convenient, universal, and accurate detection of ALP.


基于 Pd(II) 的配位聚合物纳米片用于血清碱性磷酸酶的比率比色法和光热双模式测定

临床和生化分析非常需要构建具有高灵敏度和选择性的多信号读出测定,但由于费力的程序、大型仪器和准确性不足,这仍然是一个挑战。在此,揭示了一种基于钯 (II) 亚甲基蓝 (MB) 配位聚合物纳米片 (PdMBCP NSs) 的简单、快速和便携式检测平台,用于碱性磷酸酶 (ALP) 的比例双模式检测,具有温度和比色信号读出特性。传感机制是 ALP 催化生成抗坏血酸,用于竞争性结合和蚀刻 PdMBCP NS,以定量方式释放游离 MB 进行检测。具体来说,添加 ALP 导致在 808 nm 激光激发下从分解的 PdMBCP NS 读出的温度信号减少,以及使用 660 nm 激光产生的 MB 的温度同时升高,以及两个波长的相应吸光度变化。值得注意的是,这种比例纳米传感器在 10 分钟内的检测限分别为 0.013 U/L(比色法)和 0.095 U/L(光热法)。临床血清样本进一步证实了所开发方法的可靠性和令人满意的传感性能。因此,本研究为双信号传感平台的开发提供了新的思路,以方便、通用、准确地检测碱性磷酸酶。分别在 10 分钟内达到 095 U/L(光热)。临床血清样本进一步证实了所开发方法的可靠性和令人满意的传感性能。因此,本研究为双信号传感平台的开发提供了新的思路,以方便、通用、准确地检测碱性磷酸酶。分别在 10 分钟内达到 095 U/L(光热)。临床血清样本进一步证实了所开发方法的可靠性和令人满意的传感性能。因此,本研究为双信号传感平台的开发提供了新的思路,以方便、通用、准确地检测碱性磷酸酶。
