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Temperature-sensitive and solvent-resistance hydrogel sensor for ambulatory signal acquisition in “moist/hot environment”
Nano Research ( IF 9.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s12274-023-5730-y
Xinyu Qu , Hanjun Sun , Xiaolong Kan , Bing Lei , Jinjun Shao , Qian Wang , Wenjun Wang , Zhenhua Ni , Xiaochen Dong

To realize continuously and stably work in a “moist/hot environment”, flexible electronics with excellent humid resistance, anti-swelling, and detection sensitivity are demanding. Herein, a solvent-resistant and temperature-ultrasensitive hydrogel sensor was prepared by combining MXene and quaternized chitosan (QCS) with the binary polymer chain. The strong electrostatic interaction between the QCS chain and the poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) network endows the hydrogel stability against solvent erosion, high temperature, and high humidity. The strong dynamic interaction between MXene and polymer matrix significantly improves the mechanical properties and sensing (strain and temperature) sensitivity of the hydrogel. The hydrogel strain sensor exhibits a high gauge factor (5.53), temperature/humidity tolerance (equilibrium swelling ratio of 2.5% at 80 °C), and excellent cycle stability, which could achieve a remote and accurate perception of complex human motion and environment fluctuation under aquatic conditions. Moreover, the hydrogel sensor exhibits impressive thermal response sensitivity (−3.183%/°C), ultrashort response time (< 2.53 s), and a low detection limit (< 0.5 °C) in a wide temperature range, which is applied as an indicator of the body surface and ambient temperature. In short, this study broadens the application scenarios of hydrogels in persistent extreme thermal and wet environments.



为实现在“湿热环境”下的连续稳定工作,需要具备优异的耐湿性、抗膨胀性和检测灵敏度的柔性电子产品。在此,通过将 MXene 和季铵化壳聚糖 (QCS) 与二元聚合物链结合,制备了一种耐溶剂和温度超灵敏的水凝胶传感器。QCS 链和聚丙烯酸 (PAA) 网络之间的强静电相互作用赋予水凝胶对溶剂侵蚀、高温和高湿度的稳定性。MXene 与聚合物基质之间的强动态相互作用显着提高了水凝胶的机械性能和传感(应变和温度)灵敏度。水凝胶应变传感器具有高应变系数 (5.53)、温度/湿度耐受性(平衡溶胀比为 2. 5% at 80 °C), 良好的循环稳定性, 可实现对水生条件下复杂人体运动和环境波动的远程准确感知。此外,水凝胶传感器在宽温度范围内表现出令人印象深刻的热响应灵敏度(-3.183%/°C)、超短响应时间(< 2.53 s)和低检测限(< 0.5 °C),可用作体表和环境温度的指标。简而言之,这项研究拓宽了水凝胶在持续性极端高温和潮湿环境中的应用场景。超短响应时间(< 2.53 s),在宽温度范围内具有低检测限(< 0.5 °C),可用作体表和环境温度的指标。简而言之,这项研究拓宽了水凝胶在持续性极端高温和潮湿环境中的应用场景。超短响应时间(< 2.53 s),在宽温度范围内具有低检测限(< 0.5 °C),可用作体表和环境温度的指标。简而言之,这项研究拓宽了水凝胶在持续性极端高温和潮湿环境中的应用场景。
