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Development of an Anthropomorphic Soft Manipulator with Rigid-Flexible Coupling for Underwater Adaptive Grasping.
Soft Robotics ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-03 , DOI: 10.1089/soro.2022.0215
Hui Ji 1, 2 , Yu Lan 1 , Songlin Nie 1, 2 , Linfeng Huo 1 , Fanglong Yin 1, 2 , Ruidong Hong 1

Inspired by human hands and wrists, an anthropomorphic soft manipulator (ASM) driven by water hydraulics is proposed for underwater operations and exploration. Compared with traditional rigid manipulator, ASM has highly evolved grasping ability with better flexibility and adaptability, while it has better load capacity, grasping ability, and flexibility in comparison with the pneumatic gripper. ASM wrist is composed of rigid-flexible coupling structure with three bellows and a spindle, which generates continuous wrist pitching. The linear elongate characteristics of bellows and pitching performance of ASM wrist are simulated by finite element modeling (FEM) method and tested experimentally. The mathematical model of bending deformation for the water hydraulic soft gripper (WHSG) is established. The bending deformation and contact force of WHSG are simulated by FEM and measured experimentally. The ASM prototype is fabricated, and the grasping experiments in the air and underwater are conducted. It is confirmed that the developed ASM can switch between standard and expanded grasping position to adopt and grasp objects of different shapes and dimensions. And living animals with rough or smooth surfaces such as turtle and carp can also be caught harmlessly. ASM also exhibits preferable adaptability when the objects are out of grasping range or deviating from the grasping center. This study confirms that the developed ASM has enormous application potentials and broader prospects in the field of underwater operation, underwater fishing, underwater sampling, etc.



受人手和手腕的启发,提出了一种由水液压驱动的拟人软操纵器(ASM),用于水下操作和探索。与传统刚性机械手相比,ASM具有高度进化的抓取能力,具有更好的灵活性和适应性,同时与气动机械手相比,它具有更好的负载能力、抓取能力和灵活性。 ASM手腕由三个波纹管和一个主轴的刚柔耦合结构组成,产生连续的手腕俯仰。采用有限元建模(FEM)方法对波纹管的线性伸长特性和ASM腕部的俯仰性能进行了模拟并进行了实验测试。建立了水压软夹具(WHSG)弯曲变形的数学模型。通过有限元法模拟了WHSG的弯曲变形和接触力并进行了实验测量。制作了ASM样机,并进行了空中和水下抓取实验。经证实,所开发的 ASM 可以在标准和扩展抓取位置之间切换,以采用和抓取不同形状和尺寸的物体。龟、鲤鱼等表面粗糙或光滑的活体动物也可以无害地捕获。当物体超出抓取范围或偏离抓取中心时,ASM也表现出较好的适应性。研究证实所开发的ASM在水下作业、水下捕鱼、水下采样等领域具有巨大的应用潜力和更广阔的前景。