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Multimodal composing and second language acquisition
Language Teaching ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-05 , DOI: 10.1017/s0261444823000125
Jungmin Lim , Matt Kessler

Multimodal composing, which has sometimes been referred to synonymously as multimodal composition or multimodal writing, is the use of different semiotic resources (e.g., audio, visual, gestural, and/or spatial resources) in addition to linguistic text for making meaning. Notably, multimodal composing is neither a new type of writing nor a new area of research, with studies dating back to the early 2000s. In the domain of second language (L2) research, Tardy's (2005*) study on multimodal composition in academia was one of the earliest to bring attention to the nonlinguistic features of L2 written output. Even after this pioneering study, in the few years that followed, only a handful of studies further explored aspects of L2 learners’ multimodal compositions. However, over the past decade, the fields of applied linguistics and second language acquisition (SLA) have witnessed an explosion of interest in both its study and classroom applications, with teachers’ adoption of multiple modes becoming an indispensable part of their pedagogical toolkits (e.g., Kessler, 2022; Li, 2021; Zhang et al., 2021).



多模态写作有时被同义地称为多模态写作或多模态写作,它是除了语言文本之外还使用不同的符号资源(例如,音频、视觉、手势和/或空间资源)来产生意义。值得注意的是,多模态写作既不是一种新的写作类型,也不是一个新的研究领域,其研究可以追溯到 2000 年代初。在第二语言 (L2) 研究领域,Tardy (2005*) 关于学术界多模态写作的研究是最早引起人们对 L2 书面输出的非语言特征的关注的研究之一。即使在这项开创性的研究之后,在接下来的几年里,只有少数研究进一步探讨了第二语言学习者的多模态写作的各个方面。然而,在过去的十年中,应用语言学和第二语言习得(SLA)领域见证了人们对其研究和课堂应用的兴趣激增,教师采用多种模式成为其教学工具包中不可或缺的一部分(例如,Kessler,2022;Li,2021;Zhang 等人,2021)。
