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Facile colorimetric smartphone-based biosensor for rapid detection of organophosphorus pesticides residues in environment using the aptamer-enhanced oxidase activity of octahedral Ag2O particles
Analytica Chimica Acta ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2023.341325
Yue Tang 1 , Xiangqiang Zhan 2 , Jia Zheng 3 , Zhengmin Xie 3 , Shuangju Zhu 2 , Yuangen Wu 1

The long-term and excessive use of organophosphorus pesticides (OPs) leads to hazardous residues in the environment, which threatens human health to a considerable extent. Colorimetric methods can quickly and readily identify pesticide residue, but they still have various challenges in accuracy and stability. Herein, a smartphone-assisted and non-enzymatic colorimetric biosensor was constructed for rapid monitoring of multiple OPs based on the enhanced effect of aptamer on the catalytic ability of octahedral Ag2O. It was demonstrated that the aptamer sequence could enhance the affinity of colloidal Ag2O to chromogenic substrates, and accelerate the generation of oxygen radicals such as superoxide radical (·O2) and singlet oxygen (1O2) from dissolved oxygen, thereby significantly increasing the oxidase activity of octahedral Ag2O. The color change of the solution can be easily converted to the corresponding RGB values by a smartphone for quantitative and rapid detection of multiple OPs. Hence, the smartphone-based and visual biosensor of multiple OPs was acquired with limit of detection of 10 μg L−1, 28 μg L−1 and 40 μg L−1 for isocarbophos, profenofos and omethoate, respectively. The colorimetric biosensor also exhibited good recoveries in several environmental and biological samples, showing that it may have broad application prospects for detecting OPs residues.


基于比色智能手机的生物传感器利用八面体 Ag2O 颗粒的适体增强氧化酶活性快速检测环境中的有机磷农药残留

有机磷农药(OPs)的长期、过量使用导致其在环境中产生有害残留,在相当程度上威胁着人类的健康。比色法可以快速简便地鉴定农药残留,但在准确性和稳定性方面仍然存在各种挑战。在此,基于适配体对八面体 Ag 2 O 催化能力的增强作用,构建了智能手机辅助的非酶促比色生物传感器,用于快速监测多种 OP。证明适体序列可以增强胶体的亲和力Ag 2 O对显色底物,加速超氧自由基(·O 2 )和溶解氧中的单线态氧( 1 O 2 ),从而显着提高八面体Ag 2 O的氧化酶活性。溶液的颜色变化可以通过智能手机轻松转换为相应的RGB值,用于多种快速定量检测行动计划。因此,获得了基于智能手机和视觉的多种 OP 生物传感器,其中异卡丙溴氧化乐果,分别。比色生物传感器在多个环境和生物样品中也表现出良好的回收率,表明它在检测 OPs 残留方面可能具有广阔的应用前景。
