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Trauma deaths of hospitalized patients in Abu Dhabi Emirate: a retrospective descriptive study
World Journal of Emergency Surgery ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-28 , DOI: 10.1186/s13017-023-00501-y
David O Alao 1, 2 , Arif Alper Cevik 1, 2 , Fikri M Abu-Zidan 3

To study the epidemiology and pattern of trauma-related deaths of hospitalized patients in Abu Dhabi Emirate, United Arab Emirates, in order to improve trauma management and injury prevention. The Abu Dhabi Trauma Registry prospectively collects data of all hospitalized trauma patients from seven major trauma centres in Abu Dhabi Emirate. We studied all patients who died on arrival or after admission to these hospitals from January 2014 to December 2019. There were 453 deaths constituting 13.5% of all trauma deaths in the Abu Dhabi Emirate. The median (IQR) age of the patients was 33 (25–45) years, and 82% were males. 85% of the deaths occurred in the emergency department (ED) and the intensive care unit (ICU). Motor vehicle collision (63.8%) was the leading cause of death. 45.5% of the patients had head injury. Two of the seven hospitals admitted around 50% of all patients but accounted for only 25.8% of the total deaths (p < 0.001). Those who died in the ward (7%) were significantly older, median (IQR) age: of 65.5 (31.75–82.25) years, (p < 0.001), 34.4% of them were females (p = 0.09). The median (IQR) GCS of those who died in the ward was 15 (5.75–15) compared with 3 (3–3) for those who died in ED and ICU (P < 0.001). Death from trauma predominantly affects young males with motor traffic collision as the leading cause. Over 85% of in-hospital deaths occur in the ICU and ED, mainly from head injuries. Injury prevention of traffic collisions through enforcement of law and improved hospital care in the ED and ICU will reduce trauma death.



研究阿拉伯联合酋长国阿布扎比酋长国住院患者创伤相关死亡的流行病学和模式,以改善创伤管理和伤害预防。阿布扎比创伤登记处前瞻性地收集来自阿布扎比酋长国七个主要创伤中心的所有住院创伤患者的数据。我们研究了 2014 年 1 月至 2019 年 12 月期间抵达这些医院时或入院后死亡的所有患者。共有 453 人死亡,占阿布扎比酋长国所有外伤死亡人数的 13.5%。患者的中位 (IQR) 年龄为 33 (25–45) 岁,82% 为男性。85% 的死亡发生在急诊科 (ED) 和重症监护病房 (ICU)。机动车碰撞(63.8%)是死亡的主要原因。45.5%的患者有头部外伤。七家医院中的两家收治了大约 50% 的患者,但仅占总死亡人数的 25.8% (p < 0.001)。死于病房的患者 (7%) 明显年龄较大,中位 (IQR) 年龄:65.5 (31.75–82.25) 岁,(p < 0.001),其中 34.4% 为女性 (p = 0.09)。死于病房的患者的 GCS 中位数 (IQR) 为 15 (5.75–15),而死于 ED 和 ICU 的患者为 3 (3–3)(P < 0.001)。外伤致死主要影响年轻男性,机动车碰撞是主要原因。超过 85% 的院内死亡发生在 ICU 和急诊室,主要死因是头部受伤。通过执法和改善 ED 和 ICU 的医院护理来预防交通事故的伤害将减少创伤死亡。死于病房的患者 (7%) 明显年龄较大,中位 (IQR) 年龄:65.5 (31.75–82.25) 岁,(p < 0.001),其中 34.4% 为女性 (p = 0.09)。死于病房的患者的 GCS 中位数 (IQR) 为 15 (5.75–15),而死于 ED 和 ICU 的患者为 3 (3–3)(P < 0.001)。外伤致死主要影响年轻男性,机动车碰撞是主要原因。超过 85% 的院内死亡发生在 ICU 和急诊室,主要死因是头部受伤。通过执法和改善 ED 和 ICU 的医院护理来预防交通事故的伤害将减少创伤死亡。死于病房的患者 (7%) 明显年龄较大,中位 (IQR) 年龄:65.5 (31.75–82.25) 岁,(p < 0.001),其中 34.4% 为女性 (p = 0.09)。死于病房的患者的 GCS 中位数 (IQR) 为 15 (5.75–15),而死于 ED 和 ICU 的患者为 3 (3–3)(P < 0.001)。外伤致死主要影响年轻男性,机动车碰撞是主要原因。超过 85% 的院内死亡发生在 ICU 和急诊室,主要死因是头部受伤。通过执法和改善 ED 和 ICU 的医院护理来预防交通事故的伤害将减少创伤死亡。75–15),而在 ED 和 ICU 中死亡的人数为 3 (3–3)(P < 0.001)。外伤致死主要影响年轻男性,机动车碰撞是主要原因。超过 85% 的院内死亡发生在 ICU 和急诊室,主要死因是头部受伤。通过执法和改善 ED 和 ICU 的医院护理来预防交通事故的伤害将减少创伤死亡。75–15),而在 ED 和 ICU 中死亡的人数为 3 (3–3)(P < 0.001)。外伤致死主要影响年轻男性,机动车碰撞是主要原因。超过 85% 的院内死亡发生在 ICU 和急诊室,主要死因是头部受伤。通过执法和改善 ED 和 ICU 的医院护理来预防交通事故的伤害将减少创伤死亡。