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The Neglected Role of Domestic Migration on Family Patterns in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1950–2000
Studies in Family Planning ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-26 , DOI: 10.1111/sifp.12241
Andres Felipe Castro Torres 1, 2

Urbanization has played a key role in shaping twentieth-century demographic changes in Latin America and the Caribbean (LACar). As a result, scholarly research on domestic migration and the family has primarily focused on fertility differentials by migration status in urban areas, finding a robust negative correlation between internal migration and fertility. This research has overlooked how this relationship varies across types of migration flows other than rural-to-urban migration and by women's age at migration and social class. Additionally, not enough attention has been paid to the family formation and dissolution trajectories underlying the lower fertility of rural migrants. I use a life-course inductive approach to examine these overlooked aspects among women from 10 LACar countries, including the three largest countries by population. Using retrospective information on women's childbearing and marital histories from the Demographic and Health Surveys, I build an eight-category typology of family paths and study the conditional distribution of this typology by women's age at migration, educational attainment, and origin/destination area. This examination demonstrates that social class is the primary source of differentiation across family formation and dissolution trajectories and that low-class young rural migrants played a crucial role in the demographic transformations that occurred in the region.


1950-2000 年拉丁美洲和加勒比地区国内移民对家庭模式的被忽视的作用

城市化在塑造二十世纪拉丁美洲和加勒比地区 (LACar) 的人口变化方面发挥了关键作用。因此,关于国内迁移和家庭的学术研究主要集中在城市地区不同迁移状态下的生育率差异,发现国内迁移与生育率之间存在显着的负相关关系。这项研究忽略了这种关系如何随着不同类型的移民流动而变化,而不是农村到城市的移民以及女性的移民年龄和社会阶层。此外,对于农村流动人口生育率较低背后的家庭形成和解体轨迹也没有给予足够的重视。我使用生命历程归纳法来检查来自 10 个 LACar 国家(包括人口最多的三个国家)的女性中这些被忽视的方面。利用人口与健康调查中关于女性生育和婚姻历史的回顾性信息,我构建了一个家庭路径的八类类型学,并研究了这种类型学按女性迁移年龄、受教育程度和起源/目的地区域的条件分布。这项研究表明,社会阶层是家庭形成和解体轨迹差异化的主要来源,低阶层的年轻农村移民在该地区发生的人口转变中发挥了至关重要的作用。受教育程度和来源/目的地区域。这项研究表明,社会阶层是家庭形成和解体轨迹差异化的主要来源,低阶层的年轻农村移民在该地区发生的人口转变中发挥了至关重要的作用。受教育程度和来源/目的地区域。这项研究表明,社会阶层是家庭形成和解体轨迹差异化的主要来源,低阶层的年轻农村移民在该地区发生的人口转变中发挥了至关重要的作用。