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The stability of singlehood: Limitations of the relationship status paradigm and a new theoretical framework for reimagining singlehood
Journal of Family Theory & Review ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-26 , DOI: 10.1111/jftr.12506
Hannah Tessler 1

The term single is limited as it is defined as the absence of a romantic partner, which places one's relationship status within a binary, assumes availability for romantic partnership, and implies single is a transitory state preceding union formation. These perceptions of singlehood serve to maintain hegemonic structures of marriage and nuclear family. However, the implications associated with the term single do not represent the experiences of all singles. This paper proposes an alternative framework for classifying singles based on their approach to romantic relationships that considers both openness to and desire for romantic partnership. I provide a typology of singles that defy the assumptions of singlehood and situate these categories within my theoretical framework. Finally, I demonstrate how this framework highlights the potential stability of singlehood, and I conclude by examining how social scientists can use this theory to better understand heterogeneity in singles' experiences.


