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The lowest order constrained variational (LOCV) method for the many-body problems and its applications
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics ( IF 14.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ppnp.2023.104047
Majid Modarres , Azar Tafrihi

One always looks for a simplified technique and desirable formalism, to solve the Hamiltonian, and to find the wave function, energy, etc, of a many-body system. The lowest order constrained variational (LOCV) method is designed such that, to fulfill the above requirements. The LOCV formalism is based on the first two, i.e., lowest order, terms of the cluster expansion theory with the Jastrow correlation functions as its inputs. A constraint is imposed for the normalization of the total correlated two-body wave functions, which also forces the cluster expansion series to converge very rapidly. The variation of Jastrow correlation functions subjected to the above normalization constraint, leads to the sets of Euler–Lagrange equations, which generates the required correlation functions. In order to satisfy the normalization constraint exactly, one has to define the long-range behaviors, for the two-body correlation functions, i.e., the Pauli function. The primary developments of LOCV formalism, and some of its applications were reviewed in this journal by Max Irvine in 1981. Since then (1981–2022), the various extensions and applications of the LOCV method are reported through the several published articles (nearly 180 items), which are the subjects of this review. (i) It is shown that the LOCV results can be, as good as, the various more complicated and computer time-consuming techniques, such as the Fermi hypernetted chain (FHNC), Monte Carlo (MC), G-matrix, etc, calculations. (ii) Moreover, the LOCV method is further developed to deal with the more sophisticated interactions, such as the AV18, UV14, etc, nucleon–nucleon potentials, using the state-dependent correlation functions, and applicable to perform the finite temperature calculations. The extended LOCV (ELOCV) method is also introduced for the state-independent media. (iii) Its convergence is tested through the calculation of three-body cluster series, with the state-dependent correlation functions, which confirm the old (1979) state-averaged predictions. Finally, its application to the nucleonic and βstable matter with and without the three-body force, the finite nuclei, the liquid helium 3, the neutron star, etc are performed and compared with the other many-body techniques. As we stated before, in this review, we definitely go through the most of above items.


多体问题的最低阶约束变分法 (LOCV) 及其应用

人们总是在寻找一种简化的技术和理想的形式主义来解决哈密顿量,并找到多体系统的波函​​数、能量等。最低阶约束变分 (大号CV) 方法旨在满足上述要求。这大号CV形式主义是基于前两个,即最低阶,聚类扩展理论的术语Arow相关函数作为其输入。对总相关二体波函数的归一化施加了约束,这也迫使簇扩展级数非常迅速地收敛的变化_Arow受上述归一化约束的相关函数导致生成所需相关函数的欧拉-拉格朗日方程组。为了准确满足归一化约束,必须定义双体相关函数的长程行为,即泡利函数。的主要发展大号CVMax Irvine 于 1981 年在本期刊中评论了形式主义及其一些应用。从那时起(1981-2022),形式主义的各种扩展和应用大号CV方法通过几篇发表的文章(近 180 篇)进行了报道,这些文章是本综述的主题。(i) 结果表明大号CV结果可能与各种更复杂且耗时的计算机技术一样好,例如费米Hp电子rn电子电子d链 (FHC), 蒙特卡洛 (C)、G矩阵等计算。(ii) 此外,大号CV方法被进一步开发以处理更复杂的交互,例如AV18,üV14等,核子-核子势,使用状态相关的相关函数,适用于执行有限温度计算。扩展的大号CV (大号CV) 方法也被引入到与状态无关的媒体中。(iii) 它的收敛性是通过三体簇系列的计算来检验的,具有状态相关的相关函数,这证实了旧的(1979 年)状态平均预测。最后,它的应用nC电子onCβ进行了具有和不具有三体力的稳定物质、有限核、液氦 3 、中子星等,并与其他多体技术进行了比较。正如我们之前所说,在这次审查中,我们肯定会经历上述大部分项目。
