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Improved Swelling Property of Tissue Adhesive Hydrogels Based on α-Cyclodextrin/Decyl Group-Modified Alaska Pollock Gelatin Inclusion Complexes
Macromolecular Bioscience ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-27 , DOI: 10.1002/mabi.202300097
Hiyori Komatsu 1, 2 , Shiharu Watanabe 2 , Shima Ito 1, 2 , Kazuhiro Nagasaka 1, 2 , Akihiro Nishiguchi 2 , Tetsushi Taguchi 1, 2

Adhesives/sealants are used after suturing to prevent leakage of cerebrospinal fluid from an anastomotic site. Commercial adhesives/sealants have been used to close the cerebral dura. However, swelling of the cured adhesives/sealants induces increased intracranial pressure and decreases the strength of the seal. In the present study, tissue adhesive hydrogels with improved swelling property using inclusion complex composed of α-cyclodextrin (αCD) and decyl group (C10)-modified Alaska pollock-derived gelatin (C10-ApGltn) with a high degree of substitution (DS) (>20 mol%) are developed. Viscosity of C10-ApGltn with a high DS solution remarkably decreased by the addition of αCD. The resulting αCD/C10-ApGltn adhesive hydrogel composed of αCD/C10-ApGltn inclusion complexes and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-based crosslinker showed improved swelling property after immersion in saline. Also, the resulting adhesive has a significantly higher burst strength than fibrin-based adhesives and is as strong as a PEG-based adhesive. Quantitative analysis of αCD revealed that the improved swelling property of the resulting adhesive hydrogels is induced by the release of αCD from cured adhesive, and the subsequent assembly of decyl groups in the saline. These results suggest that adhesives developed using the αCD/C10-ApGltn inclusion complex can be useful for closing the cerebral dura mater.



缝合后使用粘合剂/密封剂以防止脑脊液从吻合部位漏出。商业粘合剂/密封剂已用于封闭硬脑膜。然而,固化的粘合剂/密封剂的膨胀会导致颅内压增加并降低密封强度。在本研究中,使用由α-环糊精(α CD)和癸基(C10)修饰的高取代度(DS)阿拉斯加鳕鱼衍生明胶(C10-ApGltn)组成的包合物,制备了具有改善溶胀性能的组织粘附水凝胶。 ) (>20 mol%) 得到发展。通过添加α CD,具有高 DS 溶液的 C10-ApGltn 的粘度显着降低。由αCD /C10-ApGltn包合物和聚乙二醇(PEG)基交联剂组成的所得αCD /C10-ApGltn粘合水凝胶在浸入盐水后显示出改善的溶胀性能。此外,所得粘合剂的破裂强度明显高于基于纤维蛋白的粘合剂,并且与基于 PEG 的粘合剂一样坚固。α CD的定量分析表明,所得粘合剂水凝胶的溶胀性能得到改善,这是由于α CD 从固化粘合剂中释放以及随后在盐水中组装癸基引起的。这些结果表明,使用α CD/C10-ApGltn 包合物开发的粘合剂可用于闭合硬脑膜。