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Data as symptom: Doctors' responses to patient-provided data in general practice.
Social Studies of Science ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-25 , DOI: 10.1177/03063127231164345
Christoffer Bjerre Haase 1, 2 , Rola Ajjawi 2 , Margaret Bearman 2 , John Brandt Brodersen 1, 3, 4 , Torsten Risor 1, 4 , Klaus Hoeyer 1

People are increasingly able to generate their own health data through new technologies such as wearables and online symptom checkers. However, generating data is one thing, interpreting them another. General practitioners (GPs) are likely to be the first to help with interpretations. Policymakers in the European Union are investing heavily in infrastructures to provide GPs access to patient measurements. But there may be a disconnect between policy ambitions and the everyday practices of GPs. To investigate this, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 23 Danish GPs. According to the GPs, patients relatively rarely bring data to them. GPs mostly remember three types of patient-generated data that patients bring to them for interpretation: heart and sleep measurements from wearables and results from online symptom checkers. However, they also spoke extensively about data work with patient queries concerning measurements from the GPs' own online Patient Reported Outcome system and online access to laboratory results. We juxtapose GP reflections on these five data types and between policy ambitions and everyday practices. These data require substantial recontextualization work before the GPs ascribe them evidential value and act on them. Even when they perceived as actionable, patient-provided data are not approached as measurements, as suggested by policy frameworks. Rather, GPs treat them as analogous to symptoms-that is to say, GPs treat patient-provided data as subjective evidence rather than authoritative measures. Drawing on Science and Technology Studies (STS) literature,we suggest that GPs must be part of the conversation with policy makers and digital entrepreneurs around when and how to integrate patient-generated data into healthcare infrastructures.



人们越来越能够通过可穿戴设备和在线症状检查器等新技术生成自己的健康数据。然而,生成数据是一回事,解释数据又是另一回事。全科医生 (GP) 可能是第一个提供解释帮助的人。欧盟的政策制定者正在大力投资基础设施,以便全科医生能够获取患者的测量数据。但政策雄心与全科医生的日常实践之间可能存在脱节。为了调查这一点,我们对 23 名丹麦全科医生进行了半结构化访谈。据全科医生称,患者相对很少向他们提供数据。全科医生大多记住患者生成的三类数据,患者将这些数据提供给他们进行解释:可穿戴设备的心脏和睡眠测量值以及在线症状检查器的结果。然而,他们还广泛讨论了患者询问的数据工作,这些询问涉及全科医生自己的在线患者报告结果系统的测量以及在线访问实验室结果。我们将 GP 对这五种数据类型以及政策雄心和日常实践的反思并列起来。在全科医生赋予这些数据证据价值并采取行动之前,需要进行大量的重新语境化工作。即使患者提供的数据被认为是可行的,也不会像政策框架所建议的那样被视为衡量标准。相反,全科医生将它们视为类似于症状,也就是说,全科医生将患者提供的数据视为主观证据而不是权威措施。根据科学技术研究 (STS) 文献,我们建议全科医生必须参与与政策制定者和数字企业家的对话,讨论何时以及如何将患者生成的数据整合到医疗基础设施中。