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Radio in Africa
African Studies Review ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-20 , DOI: 10.1017/asr.2023.5
Robert Heinze

Frantz Fanon’s essay “This is the Voice of Algeria” is a still-underused text in the study of radio. The book it comes from, A Dying Colonialism, is often regarded as one of Fanon’s weaker works, since its sociological studies of the Algerian revolution are considered to lack the rhetorical mastership and philosophical heft seen in his more famous books. At least in the case of his essay on radio, however, this perception is misguided, as recent literature on the history of radio in Africa shows.



弗朗茨·法农 (Frantz Fanon) 的文章《这是阿尔及利亚的声音》是广播研究中尚未得到充分利用的文本。它所来自的书《垂死的殖民主义》通常被认为是法农较弱的作品之一,因为它对阿尔及利亚革命的社会学研究被认为缺乏他更著名的书中所见的修辞技巧和哲学分量。然而,至少在他关于广播的文章中,这种看法是错误的,正如最近关于非洲广播历史的文献所表明的那样。
