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Does learning to play an instrument have an impact on change in attainment from age 11 to 16?
British Journal of Music Education ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-20 , DOI: 10.1017/s0265051723000116
David Baker , Susan Hallam , Kevin Rogers

Much previous international research has demonstrated links between general school attainment and active engagement with music. The research reported here compared the change in examination outcomes in English and mathematics in national examinations at ages 11 and 16 of instrumentalists and non-instrumentalists. Data from 701 pupils showed statistically significant differences in examination outcomes between instrumentalists and non-instrumentalists, which was also related to the duration of learning and the instrument played. Instrumentalists had greater change scores in mathematics, but not English, although instrumentalists of lower socio-economic status showed greater change in both subjects. The implications for music education are discussed.


学习演奏乐器对 11 岁至 16 岁之间的成就变化有影响吗?

之前的许多国际研究都证明了一般学校成绩与积极参与音乐之间的联系。这里报告的研究比较了乐器演奏家和非乐器演奏家在 11 岁和 16 岁国家考试中英语和数学考试成绩的变化。来自 701 名学生的数据显示,乐器演奏家和非乐器演奏家之间的考试成绩存在统计学上的显着差异,这也与学习时间和演奏的乐器有关。乐器演奏家在数学方面的分数变化较大,但英语方面则不然,尽管社会经济地位较低的乐器演奏家在这两门科目上都表现出较大的变化。讨论了对音乐教育的影响。
