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Tweeting the Holocaust: social media discourse between reverence, exploitation, and simulacra
Journal of Communication ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-17 , DOI: 10.1093/joc/jqad010
Motti Neiger 1 , Oren Meyers 2 , Anat Ben-David 3

This article explores the uses and abuses of traumatic memory within the context of the multifaceted discursive representation of the Holocaust on social media. Combining computational, quantitative, and qualitative methodologies, the article offers a comprehensive mapping of the mnemonic spectrum extending beyond memory work conducted during official commemorative occasions. To do so, we examined a unique case: the Twitter manifestations of one Hebrew expression—“and their collaborators” (ATC)—which echoes the Israeli “Law for punishing Nazis and their collaborators.” In contrast to the complete phrase, the truncated collocation appears in a variety of contexts across Hebrew Twitter. Thus, our investigation shows that alongside traditional awe-inspiring commemorative (“good”) uses of ATC, the conjunction between social media affordances and user practices brings to the discursive forefront exploitative political (“bad”) ATC uses and misuses that contribute to political polarization; and a plethora of playful and ironic (inappropriate-“ugly”) uses, that call for moral and aesthetic scrutiny.



本文探讨了在社交媒体上大屠杀的多方面话语表征的背景下创伤记忆的使用和滥用。结合计算、定量和定性方法,本文提供了超越官方纪念活动期间进行的记忆工作的助记谱的综合映射。为此,我们研究了一个独特的案例:一个希伯来语表达的 Twitter 表现形式——“和他们的合作者”(ATC)——与以色列的“惩罚纳粹及其合作者的法律”相呼应。与完整的短语相反,截断的搭配出现在希伯来语 Twitter 的各种上下文中。因此,我们的调查表明,除了 ATC 的传统令人敬畏的纪念(“良好”)用途外,社交媒体功能和用户实践之间的结合将剥削性政治(“不良”)ATC 的使用和滥用带到了讨论的最前沿,从而导致政治两极分化;以及过多的俏皮和讽刺(不恰当的“丑陋”)用法,需要进行道德和美学审查。