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Synthesis of Polysubstituted Enamides by Hydrogen Atom Transfer Alkene Isomerization Using Dual Cobalt/Photoredox Catalysis
Chemistry - A European Journal ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-18 , DOI: 10.1002/chem.202300804
Yusuke Seino 1 , Yuto Yamaguchi 1 , Akihiko Suzuki 1 , Masaaki Yamashita 1 , Yuji Kamei 1 , Futa Kamiyama 1 , Tatsuhiko Yoshino 1, 2 , Masahiro Kojima 1 , Shigeki Matsunaga 1, 2

Synthesis of polysubstituted enamides via metal-catalyzed hydrogen atom transfer by merger of cobalt/photoredox catalysis was achieved. The judicious choice of Co(3-tert-butyl-5-CF3-salophen) and Co(3,5-di-tert-butylsalophen) enabled access to polysubstituted enamides. The method tolerated haloarenes, heteroarenes, free hydroxy groups, non-protected indoles, and drug-like molecules. Furthermore, this method can isomerize styrene derivatives in good yield and E/Z selectivity.



通过钴/光氧化还原催化的合并,通过金属催化氢原子转移合成了多取代烯酰胺。Co(3-叔丁基-5-CF 3 -salophen)和Co(3,5-二叔丁基salophen)的明智选择使得能够获得多取代的烯酰胺。该方法可耐受卤代芳烃、杂芳烃、游离羟基、未受保护的吲哚和药物样分子。此外,该方法可以以良好的产率和E / Z选择性异构化苯乙烯衍生物。