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Peer Victimization: an Integrative Review and Cross-National Test of a Tripartite Model
Educational Psychology Review ( IF 10.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s10648-023-09765-x
Herbert W. Marsh , Jiesi Guo , Philip D. Parker , Reinhard Pekrun , Geetanjali Basarkod , Theresa Dicke , Roberto H. Parada , Johnmarshall Reeve , Rhonda Craven , Joseph Ciarrochi , Baljinder Sahdra , Emma K. Devine

School victimization issues remain largely unresolved due to over-reliance on unidimensional conceptions of victimization and data from a few developed OECD countries. Thus, support for cross-national generalizability over multiple victimization components (relational, verbal, and physical) is weak. Our substantive–methodological synergy tests the cross-national generalizability of a three-component model (594,196 fifteen-year-olds; nationally -representative samples from 77 countries) compared to competing (unidimensional and two-component) victimization models. We demonstrate the superior explanatory power of the three-component model—goodness-of-fit, component differentiation, and discriminant validity of the three components concerning gender differences, paradoxical anti-bullying attitudes (the Pro-Bully Paradox) whereby victims are more supportive of bullies than of other victims, and multiple indicators of well-being. For example, gender differences varied significantly across the three components, and all 13 well-being indicators were more strongly related to verbal and particularly relational victimization than physical victimization. Collapsing the three components into one or two components undermined discriminant validity. Cross-nationally, systematic differences emerged across the three victimization components regarding country-level means, gender differences, national development, and cultural values. These findings across countries support a tripartite model in which the three components of victimization—relational, verbal, and physical—relate differently to key outcomes. Thus, these findings advance victimization theory and have implications for policy, practice, and intervention. We also discuss directions for further research: the need for simultaneous evaluation of multiple, parallel components of victimization and bullying, theoretical definitions of bullying and victimization and their implications for measurement, conceptual bases of global victimization indices, cyberbullying, anti-bullying policies, and capitalizing on anti-bullying attitudes.



由于过度依赖单一维度的受害概念和一些发达经合组织国家的数据,学校受害问题在很大程度上仍未得到解决。因此,对多种受害成分(关系、口头和身体)的跨国普遍性的支持很弱。我们的实质性方法协同作用测试了三成分模型(594,196 名 15 岁儿童;来自 77 个国家的全国代表性样本)与竞争性(一维和双成分)受害模型的跨国普遍适用性。我们证明了三成分模型的卓越解释力——拟合优度、成分差异化和关于性别差异的三个成分的区分有效性,自相矛盾的反欺凌态度(亲欺凌悖论),受害者比其他受害者更支持欺凌者,以及多种幸福指标。例如,性别差异在这三个组成部分之间存在显着差异,所有 13 项幸福感指标与言语伤害尤其是关系伤害的相关性比身体伤害的相关性更强。将三个组成部分折叠成一个或两个组成部分会破坏判别有效性。在国家一级的手段、性别差异、国家发展和文化价值观方面,三个受害组成部分出现了跨国界的系统性差异。各国的这些调查结果支持一个三方模型,在该模型中,受害的三个组成部分——关系、语言和身体——与关键结果的关系不同。因此,这些发现推进了受害理论,并对政策、实践和干预产生了影响。我们还讨论了进一步研究的方向:同时评估受害和欺凌的多个平行组成部分的必要性,欺凌和受害的理论定义及其对衡量的影响,全球受害指数的概念基础,网络欺凌,反欺凌政策,以及利用反欺凌的态度。
