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Fashion Versus Comfort: Exploring the Gendered Marketing Messages of Sport Team Licensed Merchandise
Journal of Sport Management ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-28 , DOI: 10.1123/jsm.2022-0044
Katherine Sveinson 1 , Larena Hoeber 2

Sport team licensed merchandise plays an important role in sport fan experiences. Existing work has explored how consumers perceive these items, motivation and consumption habits, and intent to purchase. Extending upon the performative sport fandom framework, this study explores the marketing messages of sport fan merchandise, and the resulting implied gendered and fan performances. Employing a multimodal critical discourse analysis, we analyzed the top 20 T-shirts for men and women for five National College Athletic Association institutions on their official ecommerce sites. By examining the text descriptions, visual images, and messages perceived when combining text and visuals, we found that the marketing messages of clothing items rely heavily on traditional discourses of femininity and masculinity, placing gender performances as more relevant to fan performances for women. Atypical designs suggest alternative gender and fan performances but continue to indicate that gender identity is central to clothing appearance and messaging to consumers.



运动队授权商品在体育迷体验中起着重要作用。现有工作探索了消费者如何看待这些物品、动机和消费习惯以及购买意向。本研究扩展了表演性体育粉丝框架,探讨了体育迷商品的营销信息,以及由此产生的隐含性别和粉丝表演。我们采用多模态批判性话语分析,分析了五个国家大学体育协会机构在其官方电子商务网站上排名前 20 位的男女 T 恤。通过检查文字描述、视觉图像和结合文字和视觉时感知到的信息,我们发现服装的营销信息严重依赖传统的女性气质和男性气质话语,将性别表演与女性粉丝表演更相关。非典型设计暗示了不同的性别和粉丝表演,但继续表明性别认同是服装外观和向消费者传达信息的核心。
