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Role of phosphite in the environmental phosphorus cycle
Science of the Total Environment ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.163463
Wei Liu 1 , Yalan Zhang 1 , Mengqin Yu 1 , Jinying Xu 1 , Hu Du 1 , Ru Zhang 1 , Daishe Wu 2 , Xianchuan Xie 1

In modern geochemistry, phosphorus (P) is considered synonymous with phosphate (Pi) because Pi controls the growth of organisms as a limiting nutrient in many ecosystems. The researchers therefore realised that a complete P cycle is essential. Limited by thermodynamic barriers, P was long believed to be incapable of redox reactions, and the role of the redox cycle of reduced P in the global P cycling system was thus not ascertained. Nevertheless, the phosphite (Phi) form of P is widely present in various environments and participates in the global P redox cycle. Herein, global quantitative evidences of Phi are enumerated and the early origin and modern biotic/abiotic sources of Phi are elaborated. Further, the Phi-based redox pathway for P reduction is analysed and global multienvironmental Phi redox cycle processes are proposed on the basis of this pathway. The possible role of Phi in controlling algae in eutrophic lakes and its ecological benefits to plants are proposed. In this manner, the important role of Phi in the P redox cycle and global P cycle is systematically and comprehensively identified and confirmed. This work will provide scientific guidance for the future production and use of Phi products and arouse attention and interest on clarifying the role of Phi in the environmental phosphorus cycle.



在现代地球化学中,磷 (P) 被认为是磷酸盐 (Pi) 的同义词,因为 Pi 作为许多生态系统中的限制性营养素控制着生物体的生长。因此,研究人员意识到一个完整的 P 循环是必不可少的。受热力学障碍的限制,长期以来人们认为 P 不能进行氧化还原反应,因此尚未确定还原 P 的氧化还原循环在全球 P 循环系统中的作用。然而,P 的亚磷酸盐 (Phi) 形式广泛存在于各种环境中,并参与全球氧化还原循环。在此,列举了 Phi 的全球定量证据,并阐述了 Phi 的早期起源和现代生物/非生物来源。更远,分析了磷还原的基于Phi的氧化还原途径,并在此途径的基础上提出了全球多环境Phi氧化还原循环过程。提出了 Phi 在控制富营养化湖泊中的藻类及其对植物的生态效益方面的可能作用。以这种方式,Phi 在氧化还原循环和全球 P 循环中的重要作用得到了系统和全面的识别和确认。这项工作将为未来Phi产品的生产和使用提供科学指导,并引起人们对阐明Phi在环境磷循环中的作用的关注和兴趣。Phi 在 P 氧化还原循环和全球 P 循环中的重要作用得到系统和全面的识别和证实。这项工作将为未来Phi产品的生产和使用提供科学指导,并引起人们对阐明Phi在环境磷循环中的作用的关注和兴趣。Phi 在 P 氧化还原循环和全球 P 循环中的重要作用得到系统和全面的识别和证实。这项工作将为未来Phi产品的生产和使用提供科学指导,并引起人们对阐明Phi在环境磷循环中的作用的关注和兴趣。
