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Review of hybrid aquatic-aerial vehicle (HAAV): Classifications, current status, applications, challenges and technology perspectives
Progress in Aerospace Sciences ( IF 11.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.paerosci.2023.100902
Guocai Yao , Yanze Li , Hanyi Zhang , Yaotong Jiang , Tianmiao Wang , Fuchun Sun , Xingbang Yang

In recent years, there has been a growing need for vehicles with air-water amphibious capacities for both military and civil applications, and the technological advances in unmanned systems make it more feasible to create such vehicles. As a result, the hybrid aquatic-aerial vehicle (HAAV), which integrates the locomotion capacity of aerial vehicles and underwater vehicles, is facing a vast developing opportunity, and plenty of related technologies have emerged. However, no current HAAV has simultaneously achieved the operational capacities of UUVs and UAVs in their moving domain without sacrificing performance. The exploitation of HAAVs is still facing several significant challenges, such as insufficient water-air compatibility, inefficient water-entry locomotion, and inefficient water-exit locomotion. The development trend of HAAVs could be more transparent, with the proposed technologies and design concepts being sorted out clearly. Therefore, a literature review of this novel vehicle is urgently in demand. We build this review on our previous survey published in 2015, which is regarded as the earliest review on HAAVs. In this paper, we put forward a novel systematic classification method of the fully functional HAAVs by considering the structure configurations and introduce the prototype development of each kind. Then, the research statuses of the drive solutions and trans-media solutions are analyzed respectively. After that, we analyze the demands of HAAVs both in the military and civil applications and evaluate the device performances of the various HAAVs. Furthermore, the applicability of each category is eventually obtained by comparing their device performances with the application demands of various applications. Finally, the challenges of water-air compatibility, water-entry locomotion, and water-exit locomotion are discussed. Moreover, the key technologies to overcome them, i.e., morphing blade techniques, morphing wing techniques, variable density techniques, structural buffer techniques, bionic water-entry techniques, surface dehydration techniques, and bionic water-exit techniques are analyzed. The research in this paper will provide more promising solutions for aquatic-aerial locomotion and inspire more practical studies in the HAAV field.


混合动力水上飞行器 (HAAV) 综述:分类、现状、应用、挑战和技术前景

近年来,军用和民用对具有气水两栖能力的车辆的需求越来越大,无人系统的技术进步使制造此类车辆变得更加可行。因此,集飞行器和水下航行器运动能力于一身的混合动力水上飞行器(HAAV)面临着广阔的发展机遇,大量相关技术应运而生。然而,目前的 HAAV 还没有在不牺牲性能的情况下同时实现 UUV 和 UAV 在其移动域中的操作能力。HAAV 的开发仍面临几个重大挑战,例如水气相容性不足、入水运动效率低下和出水运动效率低下。HAAV 的发展趋势可以更加透明,提出的技术和设计概念被清晰地梳理。因此,迫切需要对这种新型车辆进行文献综述。我们在 2015 年发布的先前调查的基础上建立了这篇评论,这被认为是对 HAAV 的最早评论。在本文中,我们通过考虑结构配置提出了一种新的全功能 HAAV 系统分类方法,并介绍了每种类型的原型开发。然后,驱动解决方案的研究现状和 在本文中,我们通过考虑结构配置提出了一种新的全功能 HAAV 系统分类方法,并介绍了每种类型的原型开发。然后,驱动解决方案的研究现状和 在本文中,我们通过考虑结构配置提出了一种新的全功能 HAAV 系统分类方法,并介绍了每种类型的原型开发。然后,驱动解决方案的研究现状和反式-媒体解决方案分别进行了分析。之后,我们分析了 HAAV 在军事和民用应用中的需求,并对各种 HAAV 的设备性能进行了评估。此外,每个类别的适用性最终是通过将它们的设备性能与各种应用程序的应用需求进行比较来获得的。最后,讨论了水气相容性、入水运动和出水运动的挑战。并分析了克服它们的关键技术,即变形叶片技术、变形翼技术、变密度技术、结构缓冲技术、仿生入水技术、表面脱水技术和仿生出水技术。
