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Phase Equilibrium of Hydrogen Clathrate Hydrates with Propylene Oxide and 1,2-Epoxycyclopentane
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-12 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.2c00701
Siyuan Chen 1 , Yanhong Wang 1, 2 , Xuemei Lang 1, 2 , Shuanshi Fan 1 , Gang Li 1

This study examined the phase behavior of hydrogen hydrates with additives containing oxygen-containing groups. The phase equilibrium of the H2 + propylene oxide (PO) + water hydrate system and the H2 + 1,2-Epoxycyclopentane (ECP) + water hydrate system was measured using the isochoric pressure search method. The mole fractions of PO and ECP were 0.056 and 0.028, respectively. The experimental data were determined in the temperature range of 273.90 to 285.20 K and the pressure range of 3.18 to 18.57 MPa. In the presence of PO and ECP, the hydrate phase equilibrium of the systems moved to a lower pressure and a higher temperature region compared to that of the hydrogen hydrates without additives. The addition of ECP with a mole fraction of 0.056 had the best promotion effect among all reported sII-type thermodynamic additives. The data obtained in this study also showed that the equilibrium was affected by the ether (c–o–c) functional group in epoxy heterocycle compounds, which was the effective functional group in changing the equilibrium conditions of hydrogen hydrates. The results provided a basis for hydrogen storage and transportation based on hydrate technology.


氢笼形水合物与环氧丙烷和 1,2-环氧环戊烷的相平衡

本研究考察了含有含氧基团添加剂的氢水合物的相行为。H 2 +环氧丙烷(PO)+水合物体系与H 2的相平衡+ 1,2-环氧环戊烷 (ECP) + 水合物体系使用等容压力搜索法进行测量。PO和ECP的摩尔分数分别为0.056和0.028。实验数据是在273.90~285.20 K的温度范围和3.18~18.57 MPa的压力范围内确定的。在 PO 和 ECP 的存在下,与没有添加剂的氢水合物相比,系统的水合物相平衡移动到较低压力和较高温度区域。添加摩尔分数为0.056的ECP在所有已报道的sII型热力学添加剂中促进效果最好。本研究中获得的数据还表明,平衡受到环氧杂环化合物中醚 (c–o–c) 官能团的影响,是改变氢水合物平衡条件的有效官能团。研究结果为基于水合物技术的氢储运提供了依据。