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A systematic review of ironic effects of motor task performance under pressure: The past 25 years
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-11 , DOI: 10.1080/1750984x.2023.2193966
Khelifa Bartura 1 , Recep Gorgulu 2 , Frank Abrahamsen 1 , Henrik Gustafsson 1, 3


Wegner's theory of ironic processes of mental control emphasizes how the implementation of cognitive load-induced avoidant instructions can cause inefficient motor cognition in sports, thereby inducing so-called ironic effects where an individual—ironically—does precisely what s(he) intended not to do. This systematic review synthesizes relevant existing research and evaluates the effectiveness of experimental manipulations and cognitive load measurements for investigating ironic effects on motor task performance under pressure conditions. This review identified twenty-four empirical studies published before January 2022, including studies with experimental (21%) and quasi-experimental (79%) within- and between-subject designs. The most common reported pressure (i.e., cognitive load) manipulations fell into two categories: anxiety (77%) and dual-task (33%) techniques. The review also identified positive action-oriented instructional interventions to reduce ironic errors. Although most reported findings supported Wegner's assumptions about ironic performance effects, the review also identified inconclusive evidence (8%), which indicates a need for more research with a greater focus on: robust experimental design; the inclusion of competitive stressors; expert athletes; elite athletes; and intervention-based studies. These additions will clarify the mechanisms of ironic effects and assist in the development of interventional programs to diminish the likelihood of ironic effects in sports performance.


压力下运动任务表现的讽刺效果的系统回顾:过去 25 年


韦格纳的心理控制反讽过程理论强调认知负荷诱发的回避指令的实施如何导致运动中低效的运动认知,从而诱发所谓的反讽效应,即一个人 - 讽刺地 - 恰恰做了他(他)不打算做的事情做。本系统评价综合了相关的现有研究,并评估了实验操作和认知负荷测量的有效性,以研究压力条件下对运动任务表现的讽刺效果。这篇综述确定了 2022 年 1 月之前发表的 24 项实证研究,包括实验性研究 (21%) 和准实验性研究 (79%) 的研究对象内和研究对象间设计。最常见的压力(即认知负荷)操作分为两类:焦虑 (77%) 和双重任务 (33%) 技巧。该审查还确定了积极的以行动为导向的教学干预措施,以减少讽刺性错误。尽管大多数报告的发现都支持 Wegner 关于讽刺性表现影响的假设,但该评论还发现了非决定性证据 (8%),这表明需要更多的研究,更加关注:稳健的实验设计;包括竞争性压力源;专业运动员;精英运动员;和基于干预的研究。这些补充将阐明讽刺效应的机制,并协助制定干预计划,以减少体育表现中讽刺效应的可能性。尽管大多数报告的发现都支持 Wegner 关于讽刺性表现影响的假设,但该评论还发现了非决定性证据 (8%),这表明需要更多的研究,更加关注:稳健的实验设计;包括竞争性压力源;专业运动员;精英运动员;和基于干预的研究。这些补充将阐明讽刺效应的机制,并协助制定干预计划,以减少体育表现中讽刺效应的可能性。尽管大多数报告的发现都支持韦格纳关于讽刺性表现影响的假设,但该评论还发现了非决定性证据 (8%),这表明需要更多的研究,更加关注:稳健的实验设计;包括竞争性压力源;专业运动员;精英运动员;和基于干预的研究。这些补充将阐明讽刺效应的机制,并协助制定干预计划,以减少体育表现中讽刺效应的可能性。
