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Nereididae (Annelida) phylogeny based on molecular data
Organisms Diversity & Evolution ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s13127-023-00608-9
Paulo R. Alves , Kenneth M. Halanych , Edson P. Silva , Cinthya S. G. Santos

Nereididae is one of Annelida’s most diverse and well-studied families; despite this, only recently have molecular approaches been used to access phylogenetic hypotheses within the family. At least two nereidid groups can be identified based on mitochondrial gene order; however, this type of molecular information is not available for most taxa, and relationships of subfamilies are still poorly understood. In the present study, we used nuclear and mitochondrial markers to evaluate relationships within Nereididae and verified hypotheses on subfamilies delineation and relationship. Our results suggest the paraphyletic status of Gymnonereidinae and Nereidinae, as well as some genera within these subfamilies. Despite this, a revision of these subfamilies delineation and diagnoses was presented to match current phylogenetic understanding of the group. We suggest reverting to the original definition of Gymnonereidinae to include only the genera originally proposed by Banse in 1977. Our results also support monophyly of a large group that can be defined by mitochondrial gene order. This group includes most taxa identified as Nereidinae, and therefore, we suggest that this feature should be used as diagnostic of the subfamily.



沙蚕科是环节动物科中最多样化、研究最深入的科之一。尽管如此,直到最近才使用分子方法来了解该家族内的系统发育假设。根据线粒体基因顺序,至少可以鉴定出两个沙蚕类群;然而,大多数类群都无法获得此类分子信息,并且亚科之间的关系仍然知之甚少。在本研究中,我们使用核和线粒体标记来评估沙蚕科内部的关系,并验证了有关亚科划分和关系的假设。我们的结果表明裸沙蚕亚科和沙蚕亚科以及这些亚科中的一些属处于并系状态。尽管如此,还是对这些亚科的划分和诊断进行了修订,以符合当前对该群体的系统发育理解。我们建议恢复 Gymnonereidinae 的原始定义,仅包括 Banse 于 1977 年最初提出的属。我们的结果也支持可以通过线粒体基因顺序定义的一个大类群的单系性。该组包括大多数被鉴定为沙蚕亚科的类群,因此,我们建议该特征应用于该亚科的诊断。
