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Licensed firearm dealers, legal compliance, and local homicide: A case study
Criminology & Public Policy ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-04 , DOI: 10.1111/1745-9133.12621
Richard Stansfield 1 , Daniel Semenza 1 , Jie Xu 2 , Elizabeth Griffiths 3

This study uses a combination of tract-level and street network-level analyses to examine: (1) the overall association between federally licensed firearm dealers (FFLs) and homicides, (2) the relationship between dealers with serious violations (such as selling to prohibited buyers or failing to record sales) and homicide, and (3) whether the dealer–homicide association is moderated by community disadvantage. Results replicate and confirm a relationship between dealers and homicides in disadvantaged neighborhoods. Importantly, however, we also find that proximity to noncompliant dealers specifically elevates the risk of lethal violence.



本研究结合使用道路层面和街道网络层面的分析来检查:(1) 联邦许可的枪支经销商 (FFL) 与凶杀案之间的整体关联,(2) 严重违规的经销商之间的关系(例如卖给被禁止的买家或未能记录销售)和凶杀案,以及(3)经销商-凶杀案协会是否因社区劣势而缓和。结果复制并证实了弱势社区的毒贩与凶杀案之间的关系。然而,重要的是,我们还发现,靠近不合规的经销商会特别增加致命暴力的风险。