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Language immersion effects in the use of tú and usted by L1-French and L1-European Portuguese learners of Spanish
Studies in Second Language Acquisition ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-11 , DOI: 10.1017/s0272263123000128
María Sampedro Mella , Claudia Sánchez Gutiérrez

The use of the Spanish pronouns of address and usted is an intricate matter for L2 learners due to the many factors that influence their selection at the discourse and interactional level. Although the literature has traditionally focused on the challenges experienced by L1-English learners of L2-Spanish in learning these forms, less is known about speakers whose L1s also present similar (but not identical) pronouns of address. This study thus analyzes the use of and usted by L1-French and L1-European Portuguese learners who learn Spanish either in their home countries (i.e., France and Portugal) or in Spain as part of a study-abroad experience. Results indicate that learners in both L1 groups used more often while in Spain than in their home country. Additionally, students in immersion started adopting more similar criteria to those of L1-Spanish speakers in determining whether or usted would be appropriate in certain contexts.


西班牙语母语法语和欧洲葡萄牙语学习者使用 tú 和 usted 时的语言沉浸效果

对于第二语言学习者来说,西班牙语代词“tú”“usted”的使用是一件复杂的事情,因为有很多因素影响他们在话语和互动层面的选择。尽管文献传统上关注的是母语西班牙语学习者在学习这些形式时所经历的挑战,但对于母语也呈现相似(但不相同)的称呼代词的说话者知之甚少。因此,本研究分析了在本国(即法国和葡萄牙)或在西班牙学习西班牙语作为海外学习经历的一部分的法语母语和欧洲葡萄牙语学习者对 tú 和 usted使用情况。结果表明,两个母语组的学习者在西班牙使用tú 的频率均高于在本国的学习者。此外,沉浸式学习的学生开始采用与母语西班牙语使用者更相似的标准来确定usted在某些情况下是否合适。
