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Working memory and second language writing: A systematic review
Studies in Second Language Acquisition ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-11 , DOI: 10.1017/s0272263123000189
Shaofeng Li

This article reports on a comprehensive synthesis of the literature on the role of working memory in second language (L2) writing. It starts with an overview and clarification of the construct and measurement of working memory, followed by an elaboration of major theoretical models informing the synthesized research. The article then presents a synthesis of the methods and results of the 16 studies that have been conducted on the associations between working memory and L2 writing. The methodological synthesis encompasses research design, methods of working memory, measurement of writing performance, methods of data elicitation for writing processes, and data analysis and reporting. The results of the synthesized studies demonstrate that (1) working memory is largely unrelated to overall writing proficiency; (2) it is predictive of specific aspects of L2 composition such as complexity, accuracy, and fluency; (3) the role of working memory varies as a function of genre, proficiency, target structure, instruction type, and task demands; and (4) verbal working memory, phonological short-term memory, visual-spatial working memory, and executive functions (inhibiting, shifting, and updating) have differential associations with the process and product aspects of L2 writing. The methods and results are discussed by identifying trends, accounting for disparities, clarifying confusion, recommending solutions, and proposing new directions.



本文全面综合了有关工作记忆在第二语言 (L2) 写作中的作用的文献。首先概述和澄清工作记忆的构造和测量,然后详细阐述为综合研究提供信息的主要理论模型。然后,本文总结了 16 项关于工作记忆与二语写作之间关联的研究的方法和结果。方法论综合包括研究设计、工作记忆方法、写作表现测量、写作过程数据获取方法以及数据分析和报告。综合研究的结果表明:(1)工作记忆与整体写作能力在很大程度上无关;(2) 它可以预测二语写作的具体方面,例如复杂性、准确性和流畅性;(3) 工作记忆的作用随着类型、熟练程度、目标结构、指令类型和任务要求的不同而变化;(4)言语工作记忆、语音短期记忆、视觉空间工作记忆和执行功能(抑制、转移和更新)与二语写作的过程和结果方面存在不同的关联。通过识别趋势、解释差异、澄清混乱、推荐解决方案和提出新方向来讨论方法和结果。和流畅性;(3) 工作记忆的作用随着类型、熟练程度、目标结构、指令类型和任务要求的不同而变化;(4)言语工作记忆、语音短期记忆、视觉空间工作记忆和执行功能(抑制、转移和更新)与二语写作的过程和结果方面存在不同的关联。通过识别趋势、解释差异、澄清混乱、推荐解决方案和提出新方向来讨论方法和结果。和流畅性;(3) 工作记忆的作用随着类型、熟练程度、目标结构、指令类型和任务要求的不同而变化;(4)言语工作记忆、语音短期记忆、视觉空间工作记忆和执行功能(抑制、转移和更新)与二语写作的过程和结果方面存在不同的关联。通过识别趋势、解释差异、澄清混乱、推荐解决方案和提出新方向来讨论方法和结果。和更新)与二语写作的过程和产品方面有不同的关联。通过识别趋势、解释差异、澄清混乱、推荐解决方案和提出新方向来讨论方法和结果。和更新)与二语写作的过程和产品方面有不同的关联。通过识别趋势、解释差异、澄清混乱、推荐解决方案和提出新方向来讨论方法和结果。
