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‘I Couldn’t Figure Out What to Do’: Salvadorean Asylum Seekers Facing the Uncertainties of the 2020 Italian Amnesty
Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-10 , DOI: 10.1080/15562948.2023.2198982
Paola Bonizzoni 1 , Maurizio Artero 1


In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic led the Italian government to enact a regularization programme, the first in eight years, which also allowed asylum seekers to switch from a humanitarian to an employment-based status. This study sheds light on how this re-categorization opportunity was concretely experienced by (potential) applicants by examining 21 in-depth interviews with key stakeholders and Salvadorean asylum seekers. Drawing on emerging literature on uncertainty and temporality, we argue that the institutional uncertainty characterizing the programme compromised Salvadorian asylum seekers’ ability to act strategically toward the attainment of a less precarious status.


“我不知道该怎么办”:萨尔瓦多寻求庇护者面临 2020 年意大利大赦的不确定性


2020 年,COVID-19 大流行促使意大利政府实施了八年来的首次正规化计划,该计划还允许寻求庇护者从人道主义身份转变为基于就业的身份。本研究通过检查对主要利益相关者和萨尔瓦多寻求庇护者的 21 次深入访谈,揭示了(潜在)申请人如何具体体验这种重新分类的机会。借鉴关于不确定性和暂时性的新兴文献,我们认为,该计划所特有的制度不确定性损害了萨尔瓦多寻求庇护者采取战略行动以获得不那么不稳定的地位的能力。
