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Along-flow-path gradient flow field enabling uniform distributions of reactants for redox flow batteries
Journal of Power Sources ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2023.233012
Lyuming Pan , Jing Sun , Honghao Qi , Meisheng Han , Liuping Chen , Junhui Xu , Lei Wei , Tianshou Zhao

Designing flow fields that can lead to uniform distributions of reactants at a minimum pump work is critical to enhancing the performance of redox flow batteries. This paper reports on an improved design of conventional serpentine flow fields, in which the channel depth is linearly reduced from the inlet to the outlet, speeding up the flow speed along the flow path and enhancing the under-rid convection downstream toward the outlet. Three-dimensional numerical simulations reveal that the optimized gradient at 25% (the channel-depth ratio between the outlet and inlet) can lead to the highest pump-based voltage efficiency. Experimental validations demonstrate that the application of the optimized flow field to a vanadium redox flow battery leads to significant improvements in both energy efficiency and electrolyte utilization, which is 5.0% and 27.7%, respectively, higher than that with the conventional serpentine flow field at a relatively high current density and low flow rate (400 mA cm−2, 12 mL min−1 cm−2). The effectiveness of the flow field design in boosting the uniform reactant distribution provides a feasible approach for scaling up high-performance redox flow batteries.



设计能够以最小泵功实现反应物均匀分布的流场对于提高氧化还原液流电池的性能至关重要。本文报道了常规蛇形流场的改进设计,其中通道深度从入口到出口线性减小,加快了沿流动路径的流速,并增强了下游向出口的地下对流。三维数值模拟表明,25%(出口和入口之间的通道深度比)的优化梯度可以导致最高的基于泵的电压效率。实验验证表明,将优化的流场应用于全钒液流电池可显着提高能效和电解液利用率,分别为 5.0% 和 27。-2 , 12 mL min -1  cm -2 )。流场设计在促进反应物均匀分布方面的有效性为扩大高性能氧化还原液流电池提供了一种可行的方法。
