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Bryophytes as Modern Model Plants: An Overview of Their Development, Contributions, and Future Prospects
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s00344-023-10986-1
Sandhya Yadav , Suvajit Basu , Akanksha Srivastava , Subhankar Biswas , Raju Mondal , Vishal Kumar Jha , Sushil Kumar Singh , Yogesh Mishra

Model organisms are commonly employed in research as convenient tools for studying diverse biological processes. Plant research relied on several non-model plants until the Arabidopsis thaliana was developed as powerful model for identifying genes and determining their functions. To study the genetics of unique processes in different species, few other model photosynthetic organisms have recently been established, including Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, Anabaena sp. PCC 7120, Chlamydomonas reinhardatii, Oryza sativa, Zea mays, Triticum dicoccoides, Populus trichocarpa, and Picea abies. However, when it comes to answering different biological problems, each of the current model plants has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and many questions about land plant adaptation strategies at the level of morpho-physiology, development, and stress mitigation could not be adequately answered using these models. Furthermore, the high occurrence of embryo lethal mutations rendered studying the molecular basis of 3-dimensional (3-D) growth and gametogenesis unfeasible. Since bryophytes have a low cellular complexity and a dominant haploid gametophytic phase, they could be useful models not only for avoiding the aforementioned drawbacks, but also for functional genomics research and understanding the chronology of land plant evolution. These distinguishing characteristics and the advancement of sequencing technology have led to the development of some bryophytes as modern model plants, including Physcomitrium patens, Marchantia polymorpha, Anthoceros agrestis. Here, we review at how bryophytes became model plants, and how they have been able to answer crucial plant biology-related concerns like stress tolerance and evolutionary developmental (evo-devo) biology that other model plants have not been able to.



模式生物通常作为研究不同生物过程的便捷工具用于研究。植物研究依赖于几种非模式植物,直到拟南芥开发为识别基因和确定其功能的强大模型。为了研究不同物种独特过程的遗传学,最近建立了一些其他模型光合生物,包括Synechocystis sp。PCC 6803 ,鱼腥藻属。PCC 7120 、莱茵衣藻水稻玉米小麦毛果杨冷杉. 然而,在回答不同的生物学问题时,目前的每一种模式植物都有其自身的优点和缺点,许多关于陆生植物在形态生理、发育和胁迫缓解等层面的适应策略问题无法解决。使用这些模型充分回答。此外,胚胎致死突变的高发生率使得研究 3 维 (3-D) 生长和配子发生的分子基础变得不可行。由于苔藓植物具有低细胞复杂性和显性单倍体配子体阶段,因此它们不仅可以成为避免上述缺点的有用模型,而且还可以用于功能基因组学研究和了解陆地植物进化的年表。Physcomitrium patensMarchantia polymorphaAnthoceros agrestis。在这里,我们回顾了苔藓植物如何成为模式植物,以及它们如何能够解决与植物生物学相关的关键问题,例如其他模式植物无法解决的胁迫耐受性和进化发育 (evo-devo) 生物学问题。
