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Between Raetia Secunda and the dutchy of Bavaria: Exploring patterns of human movement and diet.
PLOS ONE ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-05 , DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0283243
Maren Velte 1 , Andrea Czermak 1, 2 , Andrea Grigat 1 , Brigitte Haas-Gebhard 3 , Anja Gairhos 3 , Anita Toncala 1 , Bernd Trautmann 1 , Jochen Haberstroh 4 , Bernd Päffgen 5 , Kristin von Heyking 1 , Sandra Lösch 6 , Joachim Burger 7 , Michaela Harbeck 1

During the transition from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages, the Roman Empire dissolved in the West and medieval empires were founded. There has been much discussion about the role that migration played in this transition. This is especially true for the formation of the Baiuvariian tribe and the founding of this tribal dukedom, which took place from the 5th to the 6th century in what is now Southern Bavaria (Germany). In this study, we aimed to determine the extent of immigration during the beginning of this transformation and to shed further light on its character. To achieve this goal, we analyzed stable isotope values of strontium, carbon, and nitrogen from the teeth and bones of over 150 human remains from Southern Germany, dating from around 500 AD. This group of individuals included women with cranial modifications (ACD) which can be found sporadically in the burial grounds of this period. Our results showed an above-average migration rate for both men and women in the second half of the 5th century. They also indicate that a foreign background may also be assumed for the women with ACD. The demonstrably different origins of the immigrants from isotopically diverse regions, and the identification of local differences in detectable migration rate, as well as indication for different timing of residential changes, highlight the complexity of immigration processes and the need for more studies at the regional level.


在 Raetia Secunda 和巴伐利亚公国之间:探索人类运动和饮食的模式。

在古代晚期向中世纪过渡期间,罗马帝国在西方解体,中世纪帝国建立。关于移民在这一转变中所扮演的角色,已经有很多讨论。Baiuvariian 部落的形成和这个部落公国的建立尤其如此,这发生在 5 世纪到 6 世纪,发生在现在的南巴伐利亚(德国)。在这项研究中,我们旨在确定这一转变开始时的移民范围,并进一步阐明其特征。为实现这一目标,我们分析了来自德国南部 150 多具人类遗骸的牙齿和骨骼中锶、碳和氮的稳定同位素值,这些遗骸的历史可追溯至公元 500 年左右。这群人包括颅骨变形 (ACD) 的女性,在这一时期的墓地中偶尔可以找到她们。我们的结果显示,在 5 世纪下半叶,男性和女性的迁移率均高于平均水平。他们还指出,也可以假设患有 ACD 的女性具有外国背景。来自同位素不同地区的移民明显不同的起源,以及可检测到的迁移率的地方差异的识别,以及居住变化的不同时间的指示,突出了移民过程的复杂性和在区域层面进行更多研究的必要性. 他们还指出,也可以假设患有 ACD 的女性具有外国背景。来自同位素不同地区的移民明显不同的起源,以及可检测到的迁移率的地方差异的识别,以及居住变化的不同时间的指示,突出了移民过程的复杂性和在区域层面进行更多研究的必要性. 他们还指出,也可以假设患有 ACD 的女性具有外国背景。来自同位素不同地区的移民明显不同的起源,以及可检测到的迁移率的地方差异的识别,以及居住变化的不同时间的指示,突出了移民过程的复杂性和在区域层面进行更多研究的必要性.