Nature Communications ( IF 14.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-06 , DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-37171-y Ningning Tang 1 , Jiadong Zhou 1 , Liangxuan Wang 2, 3 , Matthias Stolte 4 , Guojing Xie 1 , Xinbo Wen 1 , Linlin Liu 1 , Frank Würthner 4 , Johannes Gierschner 2 , Zengqi Xie 1
Perylene bisimide (PBI) dyes are known as red, maroon and black pigments, whose colors depend on the close π−π stacking arrangement. However, contrary to the luminescent monomers, deep-red and black PBI pigments are commonly non- or only weakly fluorescent due to (multiple) quenching pathways. Here, we introduce N-alkoxybenzyl substituted PBIs that contain close π stacking arrangement (exhibiting dπ−π ≈ 3.5 Å, and longitudinal and transversal displacements of 3.1 Å and 1.3 Å); however, they afford deep-red emitters with solid-state fluorescence quantum yields (ΦF) of up to 60%. Systematic photophysical and computational studies in solution and in the solid state reveal a sensitive interconversion of the PBI-centred locally excited state and a charge transfer state, which depends on the dihedral angle (θ) between the benzyl and alkoxy groups. This effectively controls the emission process, and enables high ΦF by circumventing the common quenching pathways commonly observed for perylene black analogues.

具有强 π-π 相互作用的苝黑类似物的异常深红色发光
苝双酰亚胺 (PBI) 染料被称为红色、栗色和黑色颜料,其颜色取决于紧密的π−π堆叠排列。然而,与发光单体相反,深红色和黑色 PBI 颜料由于(多个)淬灭途径通常不发荧光或仅发微弱荧光。在这里,我们介绍了N -烷氧基苄基取代的 PBI,其包含紧密的 π 堆叠排列(表现出d π−π ≈ 3.5 Å,以及 3.1 Å 和 1.3 Å 的纵向和横向位移);然而,它们提供了具有固态荧光量子产率 ( Φ F) 高达 60%。溶液和固态的系统光物理和计算研究揭示了以 PBI 为中心的局部激发态和电荷转移态之间的敏感相互转换,这取决于苄基和烷氧基之间的二面角 ( θ ) 。这有效地控制了发射过程,并通过绕过苝黑类似物常见的常见猝灭途径来实现高Φ F。