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Oblique shock wave in turbulent flow
Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-04 , DOI: 10.1515/jnet-2022-0093
Andriy A. Avramenko 1 , Andrii I. Tyrinov 1 , Igor V. Shevchuk 2 , Nataliya P. Dmitrenko 1

The main attention is paid to the analytical analysis of an oblique shock wave in a turbulent adiabatic gas flow. For this purpose, a modified Rankine–Hugoniot model was obtained. On its basis, a solution was derived for the Rankine–Hugoniot conditions for a gas flow with various degrees of turbulence, as well as the equation of the modified Hugoniot adiabat. The behavior of the velocity of an adiabatic turbulent gas flow during its passage through an oblique shock wave at different levels of turbulence is demonstrated. A modification of Prandtl’s law for the velocity coefficients was obtained. The shock polar was also analyzed. The relationship between the angular gas flow and the angle of the shock wave was derived. Finally, the condition for the appearance of an outgoing bow shock wave was obtained.



主要关注湍流绝热气流中斜激波的解析分析。为此,获得了修改后的 Rankine-Hugoniot 模型。在此基础上,推导了具有不同湍流度的气流的Rankine-Hugoniot条件的解,以及修正的Hugoniot绝热方程。演示了绝热湍流气流在通过不同湍流水平的斜激波时的速度行为。获得了对速度系数的普朗特定律的修正。还分析了激波极。推导了角气流与冲击波角度之间的关系。最后得到了出射弓激波出现的条件。