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Betty Bernhard
Asian Theatre Journal ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-04
Carol Fisher Sorgenfrei


Betty Bernhard’s legacy in Asian theatre is due primarily to her extraordinary insight into discovering and promoting aspects of Indian performance—including Gujarati folk drama and issues of gender/sexuality—that were traditionally marginalized or overlooked; to her fundraising prowess and advocacy on behalf of Indian artists and colleagues, enabling international travel to pursue their own research and/or attend otherwise unavailable conferences and workshops; to working with those artists in training students for classic Sanskrit play productions at Pomona College; and to her own research resulting in seven crucial films/videos as well as both scholarly and practical presentations at international conferences. These efforts marked her as an important influencer well before that concept became a social media meme.




贝蒂·伯恩哈德 (Betty Bernhard) 在亚洲戏剧界的遗产主要归功于她对发现和推广印度表演方面的非凡洞察力——包括古吉拉特民间戏剧和性别/性问题——传统上被边缘化或被忽视的问题;感谢她代表印度艺术家和同事的筹款能力和宣传,使国际旅行能够进行自己的研究和/或参加其他情况下无法参加的会议和研讨会;与这些艺术家合作,在波莫纳学院培训学生制作经典的梵文戏剧作品;以及她自己的研究,制作了七部重要的电影/视频,并在国际会议上发表了学术和实践报告。这些努力使她在这个概念成为社交媒体模因之前就已成为重要的影响者。
