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Mistrust: Community engagement in global health research in coastal Kenya.
Social Studies of Science ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-01 , DOI: 10.1177/03063127231162082
Salla Sariola 1

This article explores a case of mistrust in global health research and community engagement. It uses ethnographic material collected in 2014 and 2016 in Kenya, concerning community engagement by a HIV vaccine research group working with men who have sex with men and transgender women. In 2010, the research group was attacked by members of the wider community. Following the attack, the research group set up an engagement program to reduce mistrust and re-build relationships. Analysis focusing on mistrust shows the dynamics underlying the conflict: Norms around gender and sexuality, political support for LGBTIQ+ rights, and resources disparities were all at stake for those embroiled in the conflict, including researchers, study participants, religious leaders, and LGBTIQ+ activists in the region. Rather than a normative good with liberatory potential, community engagement in this paper is discussed as a relational tool with which mistrust was managed, highlighting the fragility of participation.



本文探讨了对全球健康研究和社区参与的不信任案例。它使用了 2014 年和 2016 年在肯尼亚收集的人种学材料,内容涉及与男男性行为者和跨性别女性合作的艾滋病毒疫苗研究小组的社区参与情况。 2010年,该研究小组受到了更广泛社区成员的攻击。袭击发生后,研究小组制定了一项参与计划,以减少不信任并重建关系。针对不信任的分析揭示了冲突背后的动态:关于性别和性取向的规范、对 LGBTIQ+ 权利的政治支持以及资源不平等,对于那些卷入冲突的人来说都处于危险之中,包括研究人员、研究参与者、宗教领袖和 LGBTIQ+ 活动人士。该地区。本文中的社区参与不是一种具有解放潜力的规范性商品,而是作为一种管理不信任的关系工具来讨论,强调了参与的脆弱性。