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Design Concerns for Multiorganizational, Multistakeholder Collaboration: A Study in the Healthcare Industry
Journal of Management Information Systems ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-30 , DOI: 10.1080/07421222.2023.2172771
Scott Thiebes 1 , Fangjian Gao 1 , Robert O. Briggs 2 , Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin 1 , Ali Sunyaev 1


Multiorganizational, multistakeholder (MO-MS) collaborations that may span organizational and national boundaries, present design challenges beyond those of smaller-scale collaborations. This study opens an exploratory research stream to discover and document design concerns for MO-MS collaboration systems beyond those of the single-task collaborations that have been the primary focus of collaboration engineering research. We chose the healthcare industry as the first target for this research because it has attributes common to many MO-MS domains, and because it faces significant challenges on a global scale, like the recent COVID-19 pandemic, for which MO-MS collaboration could offer solutions, as, for example, evidenced by the rapid collaborative development and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. To this end, we reviewed 6,609 articles to find 100 articles that offered insights about the design of MO-MS collaboration systems, then conducted 50 semi-structured interviews in two countries with expert practitioners in the field. From those sources, we derived an eleven-category set of design concerns for MO-MS collaboration systems and argue their generalizability to other MO-MS domains. We offer exemplar probe questions that designers can use to increase the breadth and depth of requirements gathering for MO-MS collaboration systems.




可能跨越组织和国家边界的多组织、多利益相关者 (MO-MS) 协作提出了超越小规模协作的设计挑战。这项研究开辟了一个探索性研究流,以发现和记录 MO-MS 协作系统的设计问题,而不仅仅是那些一直是协作工程研究主要焦点的单任务协作。我们选择医疗保健行业作为这项研究的第一个目标,因为它具有许多 MO-MS 领域的共同属性,并且因为它在全球范围内面临着重大挑战,例如最近的 COVID-19 大流行,MO-MS 合作可以为此提供解决方案,例如,COVID-19 疫苗的快速协作开发和分发就是证明。为此,我们审查了 6,从 609 篇文章中找出 100 篇提供有关 MO-MS 协作系统设计见解的文章,然后在两个国家对该领域的专家从业者进行了 50 次半结构化访谈。从这些来源,我们得出了 MO-MS 协作系统的 11 类设计关注点,并论证了它们对其他 MO-MS 领域的普遍性。我们提供设计人员可以用来增加 MO-MS 协作系统需求收集的广度和深度的示例探测问题。我们得出了 MO-MS 协作系统的 11 类设计关注点集,并论证了它们对其他 MO-MS 领域的普遍性。我们提供设计人员可以用来增加 MO-MS 协作系统需求收集的广度和深度的示例探测问题。我们得出了 MO-MS 协作系统的 11 类设计关注点集,并论证了它们对其他 MO-MS 领域的普遍性。我们提供设计人员可以用来增加 MO-MS 协作系统需求收集的广度和深度的示例探测问题。
