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Seeded Growth of AlN Layers on Al- and N-Polar AlN Seeds by the Cu–Al–Ca Solution Growth Method
Physica Status Solidi (A) - Applications and Materials Science Pub Date : 2023-03-30 , DOI: 10.1002/pssa.202300060
Jiafu Han 1 , Jianli Chen 1 , Lujie Li 1 , Yonggui Yu 1 , Wencheng Ma 1 , Xiaofang Qi 1 , Yicheng Wu 1 , Yongkuan Xu 1

Herein, the growth behavior of aluminum nitride (AlN) layers on the Al-polar and N-polar surfaces of AlN seeds is investigated by the Cu–Al–Ca solution growth method. AlN layers with a thickness of 50–60 μm grow on N-polar seeds in 5 h, whereas the thickness of the AlN layer on the Al-polar seeds reaches approximately 35–50 μm. Optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD), Raman spectroscopy, and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy are performed to investigate the morphology and crystal quality of the grown AlN layers. The N-polar and Al-polar surfaces show hillock growth, which is consistent with the hexagonal structure of AlN. However, the surfaces show differences in terms of hillock size (smaller on the N-polar surface). The HRXRD rocking curves of (002) and (102) show full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) values of 160.25 and 33.53 arcsec, respectively. From Raman analysis, the FWHM values of the AlN layers on the N-polar and Al-polar seeds are 6.1 and 10.6 cm−1, respectively. The PL results show 310, 460, and 590 nm emission peaks of the AlN layer, which may be caused by oxygen impurity and VN (nitrogen vacancy) and Ali (aluminum gap).


通过 Cu-Al-Ca 溶液生长方法在 Al 和 N 极性 AlN 种子上生长 AlN 层

在此,通过 Cu-Al-Ca 溶液生长方法研究了 AlN 种子的 Al 极性和 N 极性表面上氮化铝 (AlN) 层的生长行为。5小时内,N极种子上生长出厚度为50-60μm的AlN层,而Al极种子上的AlN层厚度达到约35-50μm。采用光学显微镜、X 射线衍射、高分辨率 X 射线衍射 (HRXRD)、拉曼光谱和光致发光 (PL) 光谱来研究生长的 AlN 层的形貌和晶体质量。N极和Al极表面呈现小丘状生长,这与AlN的六方结构一致。然而,表面在小丘尺寸方面表现出差异(N 极表面较小)。(002) 和 (102) 的 HRXRD 摇摆曲线显示半峰全宽 (FWHM) 值分别为 160.25 和 33.53 角秒。根据拉曼分析,N极和Al极种子上AlN层的FWHM值为6.1和10.6 cm分别为-1。PL结果显示AlN层的发射峰为310、460和590 nm,这可能是由氧杂质以及V N (氮空位)和Al i (铝间隙)引起的。