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32-Symmetric Chiral Gold Nanoplates with Near-Infrared Circular Dichroism
Advanced Optical Materials ( IF 8.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-30 , DOI: 10.1002/adom.202300037
Sang Won Im 1 , Eunjeong Jo 1 , Ryeong Myeong Kim 1 , Jeong Hyun Han 1 , Ki Tae Nam 1

Plasmonic chiral nanostructures provide a novel route for extraordinary optical properties, such as light polarization control and enhancing chiroptical signals of molecules. The symmetry of chiral nanostructures, such as helices, gyroids, and irregular tetrahedrons, is strongly correlated to chiroptical responses; therefore, it is an important design parameter. In a previous study, a synthetic strategy is demonstrated for 432-symmetric chiral gold nanoparticles by breaking the mirror symmetry of a 4/m 3 ¯ $\overline 3 $ 2/m-symmetric crystal structure on a high-index surface. Herein, the aim is to extend the chiral symmetry of gold nanoparticles and their chiroptical responses. The symmetry of gold nanoparticles can be modulated by inducing single or multiple twin planes in seed nanoparticles. The 32-symmetric chiral gold nanoplates, referred to as 32 helicoids, are successfully synthesized using 3 2/m-symmetric triangular and hexagonal plates. The growth mechanism of the 32 helicoids, which results in two different characteristic morphologies, is analyzed. The 32 helicoids are significantly important owing to their optical activity over a wide range from the visible to the near-infrared region. This investigation provides an insight that symmetry control of the nanomorphology can represent an important research direction in chiral plasmonic applications.


具有近红外圆二色性的 32 对称手性金纳米片

等离子体手性纳米结构为非凡的光学特性提供了一条新途径,例如光偏振控制和增强分子的手性光学信号。手性纳米结构(例如螺旋、螺旋体和不规则四面体)的对称性与手性光学响应密切相关。因此,它是一个重要的设计参数。在之前的一项研究中,通过打破 4/ m的镜像对称性,论证了 432 对称手性金纳米颗粒的合成策略。 3 $\上划线 3 $ 高折射率表面上的2/ m对称晶体结构。在此,目的是扩展金纳米颗粒的手性对称性及其手性光学响应。金纳米颗粒的对称性可以通过在种子纳米颗粒中诱导单个或多个孪晶面来调节。利用 3 2/ m成功合成了 32 对称手性金纳米片,称为 32 螺旋-对称的三角形和六角形板。分析了 32 个螺旋体的生长机制,从而产生两种不同的特征形态。这 32 个螺旋非常重要,因为它们在从可见光到近红外区域的广泛范围内具有光学活性。这项研究表明纳米形态的对称控制可以代表手性等离子体应用的一个重要研究方向。