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The Archer and the Shield-Bearing Warrior
American Antiquity ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-29 , DOI: 10.1017/aaq.2023.1
Lawrence L. Loendorf , Karen L. Steelman , Amanda M. Castañeda

At the Painted Coulee site (24JT86), pictographs depicting both atlatl and bow technology are present. We utilized plasma oxidation followed by accelerator mass spectrometry to directly radiocarbon date the organic material in two paint samples. A red painting of an anthropomorph with a shield and a possible atlatl in conflict with a fleeing person holding a bow was dated to 1790 ± 50 RCYBP (cal AD 120–390). Another red anthropomorph wearing snowshoes and holding a bow was dated to 1710 ± 45 RCYBP (cal AD 240–425). Radiocarbon dates for underlying oxalate minerals provided maximum ages for the paintings that are consistent with the direct ages. This early example of Plains Biographic rock art is significant because it illustrates a scene between a Late Archaic shield-bearing warrior with a possible atlatl and an anthropomorph with a bow and arrow at a time when bows first came into use on the Northwestern Plains.



在 Painted Coulee 站点 (24JT86),存在描述 atlatl 和 bow 技术的象形文字。我们利用等离子氧化和加速器质谱法对两种油漆样品中的有机物质进行直接放射性碳年代测定。一幅带有盾牌和可能与手持弓箭的逃跑者冲突的拟人化的红色绘画可追溯到 1790 ± 50 RCYBP(cal AD 120-390)。另一个穿着雪鞋并拿着弓的红色拟人化物的年代为 1710 ± 45 RCYBP (cal AD 240–425)。底层草酸盐矿物的放射性碳测年法提供了与直接年龄一致的绘画的最大年龄。
