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Realignment and change: CSIRO and industry 2000–10
Historical Records of Australian Science ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-27 , DOI: 10.1071/hr22017
Garrett Upstill , Thomas H. Spurling , Terence J. Healy , Gregory W. Simpson

In the first decade of the twenty-first century, CSIRO’s role broadened toward national mission-oriented research, less directly focused on supporting Australian industry. In terms of its legislated mandate, it deliberately placed increased emphasis on ‘contributing to the achievement of national objectives’ and less emphasis on ‘assisting Australian industry’. This change was accompanied by an organisational restructuring with the introduction of a national flagships' research program and a matrix management structure. We analyse this process of change and the reasons behind it and we investigate the effects of the new approach on CSIRO’s relationship with industry, and its technology transfer activities. While there was continuity in its commercial performance, the pattern of CSIRO’s client-directed research changed substantially, with a reduction in manufacturing-related research, and a notable growth in health- and environment-related research, in the main part for government agencies and departments. By the end of the decade the organisation had established a clear role for itself in the national innovation system, in which its relationship with Australian industry was no longer the dominant feature. It was a disruptive decade for CSIRO, but one in which the organisation demonstrated its capacity to adapt to a changing external environment.


重组和变革:CSIRO 和工业 2000–10

在 21 世纪的头十年,CSIRO 的作用扩大到以国家任务为导向的研究,而不是直接关注支持澳大利亚工业。就其法定任务而言,它有意更加强调“为实现国家目标做出贡献”,而不太强调“协助澳大利亚工业”。这一变化伴随着组织重组,引入了国家旗舰研究计划和矩阵管理结构。我们分析了这一变化过程及其背后的原因,并研究了新方法对 CSIRO 与行业的关系及其技术转让活动的影响。尽管其商业业绩具有连续性,但 CSIRO 以客户为导向的研究模式发生了重大变化,与制造相关的研究减少,与健康和环境相关的研究显着增长,主要是政府机构和部门。到本世纪末,该组织已在国家创新体系中为自己确立了明确的角色,其与澳大利亚工业的关系不再是主导特征。对于 CSIRO 来说,这是一个颠覆性的十年,但在这一年中,该组织展示了其适应不断变化的外部环境的能力。其中与澳大利亚工业的关系不再是主要特征。对于 CSIRO 来说,这是一个颠覆性的十年,但在这一年中,该组织展示了其适应不断变化的外部环境的能力。其中与澳大利亚工业的关系不再是主要特征。对于 CSIRO 来说,这是一个颠覆性的十年,但在这一年中,该组织展示了其适应不断变化的外部环境的能力。
