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Music in the moment: how twenty-four expert free form musicians experienced sense of agency and an improvisational state of mind
Journal of New Music Research ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-28 , DOI: 10.1080/09298215.2023.2192411
William Ashley Sol 1

Study of musical improvisation has proven a significantly worthwhile topic of psychological and musicological research. This qualitative study asked: How do musicians experience sense of agency and state of mind while freely improvising? Twenty-four experts in free form music (Morris, 2012. Perpetual frontier: The properties of free music. Riti) performed short free improvisations that were explored via semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis. Participants reported low sense of agency, minimal conscious thought, and decisions experienced as body-doing or action guided by intuition, as well as moments of increased agency. Frequent reports of focused present-moment awareness suggest parallels between improvisation and mindfulness.



