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A Test of a Dual Model of Positive and Negative EORs: Dialogic Employee Communication Perceptions Related to Employee-Organization Relationships and Employee Megaphoning Intentions1
Journal of Public Relations Research ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-29 , DOI: 10.1080/1062726x.2023.2194025
Minjeong Kang 1 , Ejae Lee 1 , Young Kim 2 , Sung-Un Yang 1


This study investigated how employees’ perceptions of an organization’s dialogic employee communication influence their evaluations of their positive and negative relationships with the organization. The study further examined how employees’ relationship assessments could drive their intentions for positive and negative megaphoning about their organizations. To test the differentiating effects of dialogic employee communication on positive and negative employee-organization relationships (EORs) and, subsequently, employee megaphoning intentions, we used a dual measure with the positive and the negative EORs. The online survey of 527 full-time U.S. employees showed that dialogic employee communication – particularly mutuality orientation – distinctively influenced the employees’ EOR assessments. The survey results also showed that stronger and more-positive EORs led to increased positive megaphoning intentions, and that stronger and more-negative EORs led to increased negative megaphoning intentions. This study found that positive EOR mediated the links between dialogic employee communication and both positive and negative intentions, but that negative EOR mediated only the link between dialogic employee communication and the negative megaphoning intention.


正负 EOR 双重模型的测试:与员工-组织关系和员工扩音意图相关的对话式员工沟通感知 1


本研究调查了员工对组织对话式员工沟通的看法如何影响他们对与组织的积极和消极关系的评价。该研究进一步研究了员工的关系评估如何推动他们对组织进行正面和负面扩音的意图。为了测试对话式员工沟通对积极和消极的员工-组织关系 (EOR) 以及随后的员工喊话意图的差异化影响,我们使用了积极和消极 EOR 的双重测量。对 527 名全职美国员工的在线调查表明,对话式员工沟通——尤其是相互导向——显着影响了员工的 EOR 评估。调查结果还表明,更强和更积极的 EOR 会导致积极的扩音意图增加,而更强和更消极的 EOR 会导致消极的扩音意图增加。本研究发现,积极的 EOR 调节了员工对话式沟通与积极和消极意图之间的联系,而消极的 EOR 仅调节了员工对话式沟通与消极扩音意图之间的联系。
