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Development of SLO KARST Near Fault Observatory site in SW Slovenia
Carbonates and Evaporites ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s13146-023-00864-y
Stanka Šebela , Izidor Tasič , Jurij Pahor , Marko Mali , Uroš Novak , Magdalena Năpăruş-Aljančič

The project RI-SI-EPOS (Research Infrastructure-Slovenia-European Plate Observing System) provided new scientific equipment for solid Earth science related to geology, seismology, geodesy and karstology. Karst research infrastructure is primarily used at the SLO KARST NFO (Near Fault Observatory) developing site. The area covers ~ 2600 km2 and is one of the most seismically active areas in SW Slovenia. It consists mostly of karstified Mesozoic carbonate rocks and partly of non-karstified Eocene flysch. The landscape has numerous karst features including caves, poljes, dolines, uvalas, karst springs, ponors and periodic karst lakes, with typical karst underground water drainage. Site development commenced with the installation of seven temporary seismic stations in the area, along with other geoscience equipment (gravimeter, 3D laser terrestrial scanner, GNSS antenna, TM72 extensometers, spectrometer for methane and drone), deployed in 2020. With the new dense seismic network, locations and other seismic parameters are already determined more reliably than in the past, contributing to a better understanding of active tectonic deformations at the junction between the seismically active Friuli region (Italy) and the Zagreb–Petrinja area (Croatia). The new solid Earth Geoscience research infrastructure is already collecting a big amount of data following the FAIR principles (making data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) aiming to be included in the national and international research databases. Here, the first results from the newly operating SLO KARST NFO temporary seismic network (May 2020–June 2021) are discussed.


斯洛文尼亚西南部 SLO KARST 近断层观测站的开发

RI-SI-EPOS(研究基础设施-斯洛文尼亚-欧洲板块观测系统)项目为与地质学、地震学、大地测量学和岩溶学相关的固体地球科学提供了新的科学设备。岩溶研究基础设施主要用于 SLO KARST NFO(近断层观测站)开发现场。面积约 2600 平方公里2并且是西斯洛文尼亚地震最活跃的地区之一。它主要由岩溶化的中生代碳酸盐岩和部分非岩溶化的始新世复理石组成。地貌具有众多岩溶特征,包括洞穴、poljes、漏斗、uvalas、岩溶泉、ponors 和周期性岩溶湖泊,具有典型的岩溶地下水排水系统。场地开发始于在该地区安装七个临时地震站,以及其他地球科学设备(重力仪、3D 激光地面扫描仪、GNSS 天线、TM72 引伸计、甲烷和无人机光谱仪),于 2020 年部署。随着新的密集地震网络、位置和其他地震参数已经比过去更可靠地确定,有助于更好地了解地震活跃的弗留利地区(意大利)和萨格勒布-彼得里尼亚地区(克罗地亚)交界处的活动构造变形。新的固体地球地球科学研究基础设施已经按照 FAIR 原则(使数据可查找、可访问、可互操作和可重用)收集大量数据,旨在纳入国家和国际研究数据库。此处讨论了新运行的 SLO KARST NFO 临时地震台网(2020 年 5 月至 2021 年 6 月)的第一批结果。可互操作和可重用)旨在被纳入国家和国际研究数据库。此处讨论了新运行的 SLO KARST NFO 临时地震台网(2020 年 5 月至 2021 年 6 月)的第一批结果。可互操作和可重用)旨在被纳入国家和国际研究数据库。此处讨论了新运行的 SLO KARST NFO 临时地震台网(2020 年 5 月至 2021 年 6 月)的第一批结果。
