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Linguistic features and pragmatic functions of direct reported speech in Italian troubles telling sequences
Language & Communication ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.langcom.2023.03.001
Ilaria Riccioni , Gill Philip , Alessandra Fermani , Ramona Bongelli

This article aims to investigate possible linguistic features and pragmatic functions of Direct Reported Speech (DRS) in a specific conversational context, which seems to favour the emerging of this phenomenon: the trouble telling sequence. The study, conducted on a corpus of naturally occurring interactions in Italian, describes some characteristics of this linguistic device from both a qualitative and a quantitative point of view, by analysing how and for what purposes it can be used. DRS produced by the Troubles Teller mostly aims to account for their point of view, to complain and criticise, to express feelings and emotions and to anticipate future behaviour; the Trouble Recipient uses DRS mainly to express support towards the conversational partner and to give advice.



本文旨在研究特定会话上下文中直接报告语音 (DRS) 可能的语言特征和语用功能,这似乎有利于这种现象的出现:麻烦讲述序列。这项研究是在意大利语自然发生的互动语料库上进行的,通过分析它的使用方式和目的,从定性和定量的角度描述了这种语言设备的一些特征。Troubles Teller 制作的 DRS 主要目的是解释他们的观点、抱怨和批评、表达感受和情绪以及预测未来的行为;Trouble Recipient 使用 DRS 主要是为了表达对对话伙伴的支持并提供建议。
