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Reconciling Mass Loading and Gravimetric Performance of MnO2 Cathodes by 3D-Printed Carbon Structures for Zinc-Ion Batteries
Advanced Functional Materials ( IF 18.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-27 , DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202215076
Hao Yang 1 , Yi Wan 1 , Kang Sun 2 , Mengdi Zhang 1 , Chongze Wang 1 , Zhengqiu He 1 , Qiang Li 3 , Ning Wang 1 , Yunlong Zhang 1 , Han Hu 1 , Mingbo Wu 1

To promote the real application of zinc-ion batteries (ZIBs), reconciling the high mass loading and gravimetric performance of MnO2 electrodes is of paramount importance. Herein, the rational regulation of 3D-printed carbon microlattices (3DP CMs) enabling an ultrathick MnO2 electrode with well-maintained gravimetric capacities is demonstrated. The 3DP CMs made of graphene and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are fabricated by direct ink 3D printing and subsequent high-temperature annealing. 3D printing enables a periodic structure of 3DP CMs, while the thermal annealing contributes to high conductivity and defective surfaces. Due to these structural merits, uniform electrical field distribution and facilitated MnO2 deposition over the 3DP CMs are permitted. The optimal electrode with MnO2 loaded on the 3DP CMs can achieve a record-high specific capacity of 282.8 mAh g−1 even at a high mass loading of 28.4 mg cm−2 and high ion transfer dynamics, which reconciles the loading mass and gravimetric performance. As a result, the aqueous ZIBs based on the 3DP CMs loaded MnO2 afford an outstanding performance superior to most of the previous reports. This study reveals the essential role of interaction between active materials and current collectors, providing an alternative strategy for designing high-performance energy storage devices.


通过 3D 打印碳结构调节锌离子电池 MnO2 阴极的质量负载和重量性能

为了促进锌离子电池(ZIB)的真正应用,协调MnO 2电极的高质量负载和重量性能至关重要。在此,证明了3D 打印碳微晶格 (3DP CM) 的合理调节,使超厚 MnO 2电极具有良好的重量容量。由石墨烯和碳纳米管(CNT)制成的3DP CM是通过直接墨水3D打印和随后的高温退火制造的。3D 打印可实现 3DP CM 的周期性结构,而热退火则有助于实现高导电性和缺陷表面。由于这些结构优点,均匀的电场分布和促进的MnO 2允许在 3DP CM 上进行沉积。3DP CM 上负载 MnO 2的最佳电极即使在 28.4 mg cm -2的高质量负载和高离子转移动力学下也能实现 282.8 mAh g -1的创纪录高比容量,这协调了负载质量和重量分析表现。因此,基于 3DP CM 负载 MnO 2的水性 ZIB具有优于大多数先前报告的出色性能。这项研究揭示了活性材料和集流体之间相互作用的重要作用,为设计高性能储能设备提供了一种替代策略。