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A light-driven photoelectrochemical sensor for highly selective detection of hydroquinone based on type-II heterojunction formed by carbon nanotubes immobilized in 3D honeycomb CdS/SnS2
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2023.03.141
Linzi Huang 1 , Chenxi Wang 2 , Yaqi Yang 3 , Yilin Wang 4 , Chunyan Li 4 , Yixi Xie 3 , Pengcheng Zhao 4 , Junjie Fei 5

The ecological environment and public safety are seriously threatened by the typical phenolic contaminant hydroquinone (HQ). Here, using a straightforward physical mixing technique, we created an n-n heterojunction by uniformly immobilizing cadmium sulfide (CdS) nanoparticles on the surface of a three-dimensionally layered, flower-like structure made of tin sulfide (SnS2). Then, as photosensitizers, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were added to the CdS/SnS2 complex to create a type-II heterostructure of CdS/SnS2/CNTs with synergistic effects. Subsequently, the detector HQ was bound to the modified photoelectrodes, which was accompanied by the hole oxidation of the bound HQ, leading to a significant increase in the photocurrent signal, thus allowing specific and sensitive detection of HQ. Under optimized detection conditions, the proposed photoelectrochemical sensor shows a wide detection range of 0.2 to 100 μM for HQ with a detection limit as low as 0.1 μM. The high accuracy of the sensor was demonstrated by comparison with the detection results of UV-Vis spectrophotometry. In addition, the photoelectrochemical sensor exhibits good reproducibility, stability, selectivity, and specificity, providing a light-driven method to detect HQ.


基于固定在 3D 蜂窝 CdS/SnS2 中的碳纳米管形成的 II 型异质结的光驱动光电化学传感器,用于高选择性检测对苯二酚

典型的酚类污染物对苯二酚(HQ)严重威胁着生态环境和公共安全。在这里,我们使用直接的物理混合技术,通过将硫化镉 (CdS) 纳米粒子均匀地固定在由硫化锡 (SnS 2 )制成的三维层状花状结构的表面上,创建了 nn 异质结。然后,作为光敏剂,将碳纳米管 (CNT) 添加到 CdS/SnS 2复合物中,以创建 CdS/SnS 2的 II 型异质结构/具有协同效应的碳纳米管。随后,检测器 HQ 与修饰的光电极结合,伴随着结合的 HQ 的空穴氧化,导致光电流信号显着增加,从而实现 HQ 的特异性和灵敏检测。在优化的检测条件下,所提出的光电化学传感器对 HQ 显示出 0.2 至 100 μM 的宽检测范围,检测限低至 0.1 μM。通过与紫外-可见分光光度法检测结果的对比,证明了传感器的高精度。此外,光电化学传感器表现出良好的重现性、稳定性、选择性和特异性,为检测HQ提供了一种光驱动方法。
