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Examining the Ability, Motivation and Opportunity (AMO) framework in HRM research: Conceptualization, measurement and interactions
International Journal of Management Reviews ( IF 7.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-09 , DOI: 10.1111/ijmr.12332
Anna Bos‐Nehles 1 , Keith Townsend 2 , Kenneth Cafferkey 3 , Jordi Trullen 4

Despite the increasing popularity of the Ability, Motivation, Opportunity (AMO) framework in the Human Resource Management (HRM) field, AMO research is at a crossroads in theoretical and empirical development. This is due to (a) a lack of clarity about the conceptualisation and measurement of AMO variables, (b) the construction of AMO articles that do not distinguish between AMO differences and AMO-enhancing HRM practices and fail to integrate them, (c) a lack of understanding about how AMO variables at the individual and organizational levels interact to generate individual and organizational performance, and (d) a lack of consideration of the process (mediators and moderators) through which AMO generates performance gains. Based on the analysis of 104 quantitative HRM articles published between 1997 and 2022, this study helps to draw clearer distinctions among AMO variables and levels of analysis. The review of the empirical literature shows that there is excessive heterogeneity with regard to the conceptualization and utilisation of AMO variables, which in turn leads to scale proliferation. We find that research on AMO-enhancing HRM practices and AMO differences is rarely combined and tends to be tested at a single level rather than more logical cross-level effects between AMO-enhancing HRM practices, AMO differences and performance. We also found that whereas Ability and Motivation differences mediate the relationship between AMO-enhancing HRM practices and performance, opportunity appears to be a boundary condition in the relationship between Ability and Motivation with performance outcomes. The paper concludes with relevant avenues for future AMO research suggested for the field of HRM.


检验人力资源管理研究中的能力、动机和机会 (AMO) 框架:概念化、测量和交互

尽管能力、动机、机会(AMO)框架在人力资源管理(HRM)领域越来越受欢迎,但 AMO 研究正处于理论和实证发展的十字路口。这是由于 (a) AMO 变量的概念化和测量缺乏清晰度,(b) AMO 文章的构建没有区分 AMO 差异和 AMO 增强人力资源管理实践,并且未能将它们整合起来,(c)对个人和组织层面的 AMO 变量如何相互作用以产生个人和组织绩效缺乏了解,以及 (d) 缺乏对 AMO 产生绩效收益的过程(中介者和调节者)的考虑。基于对 1997 年至 2022 年间发表的 104 篇定量人力资源管理文章的分析,这项研究有助于更清晰地区分 AMO 变量和分析级别。回顾实证文献表明,AMO变量的概念化和利用存在过度异质性,进而导致规模扩散。我们发现,关于增强 AMO 的人力资源管理实践和 AMO 差异的研究很少结合起来,并且往往在单个层面上进行测试,而不是在增强 AMO 的人力资源管理实践、AMO 差异和绩效之间更合乎逻辑的跨层面影响。我们还发现,虽然能力和动机差异调节了 AMO 增强型人力资源管理实践与绩效之间的关系,但机会似乎是能力和动机与绩效结果之间关系的边界条件。