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Organic pH Buffer for Dendrite-Free and Shuttle-Free Zn-I2 Batteries
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-22 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202303011
Yanqiu Lyu 1 , Jodie A Yuwono 1 , Pengtang Wang 1 , Yanyan Wang 1 , Fuhua Yang 1 , Sailin Liu 1 , Shilin Zhang 1 , Baofeng Wang 2 , Kenneth Davey 1 , Jianfeng Mao 1 , Zaiping Guo 1

An organic pH buffer strategy is proposed. N-containing organic molecules simultaneously control electrolyte pH, suppress hydrogen evolution, enable uniform Zn deposition, and inhibit shuttle of polyiodine compounds, achieving highly reversible and stable, long-cycle Zn-I2 batteries.


用于无枝晶和无穿梭 Zn-I2 电池的有机 pH 缓冲剂

提出了一种有机 pH 缓冲策略。含氮有机分子同时控制电解质pH值,抑制析氢,使锌均匀沉积,并抑制聚碘化合物的穿梭,实现高度可逆和稳定的长循环Zn-I 2电池