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Diminutivizing L-reduplication in Norwegian
Nordic Journal of Linguistics ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-23 , DOI: 10.1017/s033258652300001x
Henrik Torgersen

This paper gives a broad overview of how Norwegian productively makes use of L-reduplication to convey diminutive meaning. I argue that this previously undescribed phenomenon is a diminutivizing process that copies the stressed vowel and any consonants until the next morpheme boundary. The construction can be attested as far back as the start of the 20th century and its realization varies geographically between two main variants. I show that L-reduplication is restricted phonologically, but applies productively (unlike other echo reduplicative processes) across different parts of speech.


挪威语中 L-重复的缩小化

本文全面概述了挪威语如何有效地利用 L 重复来传达微缩含义。我认为这种先前未描述的现象是一个缩小过程,复制重读元音和任何辅音直到下一个语素边界。该建筑的历史可以追溯到 20 世纪初,其实现方式因地域而异,有两种主要变体。我证明 L 重复在语音上受到限制,但可以有效地应用于不同的语音部分(与其他回声重复过程不同)。
