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Fast Isomerization Before Isomerization-Hydroformylation: Probing the Neglected Period with A Novel Microfluidic Device
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-20 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202302777
Fanfu Guan 1 , Yu Qian 2 , Peiqi Zhang 2 , Runtong Zhang 2 , Xumu Zhang 2 , Jialin Wen 1

Due to limits in heat and mass transfer, the acquisition of kinetic data of fast reactions have been historically challenging, especially for multiphasic reactions. Inspired by the concept of flash chemistry and radial synthesis, a novel microreactor was designed to study the initial fast isomerization process (within the first minute) in rhodium-catalyzed hydroformylation. A new type of isomerization pathway without the coordination of CO to rhodium center was found, which is dramatically faster than the known one.



由于传热和传质的限制,快速反应动力学数据的采集历来具有挑战性,尤其是对于多相反应。受闪蒸化学和径向合成概念的启发,设计了一种新型微反应器来研究铑催化的加氢甲酰化中的初始快速异构化过程(在第一分钟内)。发现了一种新型的异构化途径,无需 CO 与铑中心的配位,它比已知的异构化途径快得多。