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Analysis of the toxic mechanisms of fluoxastrobin on the earthworm (Eisenia fetida) using transcriptomics
Chemosphere ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.138449
Jingwen Zhang 1 , Cheng Zhang 2 , Yong Zhang 3 , Zhongkun Du 1 , Bing Li 1 , Jinhua Wang 1 , Jun Wang 1 , Lusheng Zhu 1

Fluoxastrobin (FLUO), one of the best-selling strobilurin fungicides, could prevent fungal diseases from oilseed crops, fruits, grains, and vegetables. The widespread use of FLUO leads to the continuous accumulation of FLUO in soil. Our previous studies have demonstrated that FLUO exhibited different toxicity in artificial soil and three natural soils (fluvo-aquic soils, black soils, and red clay). The toxicity of FLUO was greater in natural soil than the artificial soil, specifically, showed the highest toxicity in fluvo-aquic soils. To better investigate the mechanism of FLUO toxicity to earthworms (Eisenia fetida), we selected fluvo-aquic soils as representative soil and used transcriptomics to study the gene expression in earthworms after FLUO exposure. The results demonstrated that the differentially expressed genes in earthworms after FLUO exposure mainly presented in pathways involving protein folding, immunity, signal transduction, and cell growth. It may be the reason why FLUO exposure stressed the earthworms and affected their normal growth activities. The present study fills gaps in the literature regarding the soil bio-toxicity of strobilurin fungicides. It also sounds the alarm for the application of such fungicides even at the low concentration (0.1 mg kg−1).


应用转录组学分析氟嘧菌酯对蚯蚓 (Eisenia fetida) 的毒性机制

氟嘧菌酯 (FLUO) 是最畅销的嗜球果伞素类杀菌剂之一,可以预防油料作物、​​水果、谷物和蔬菜的真菌病害。FLUO的广泛使用导致FLUO在土壤中不断积累。我们之前的研究表明,FLUO 在人造土壤和三种天然土壤(潮土、黑土和红粘土)中表现出不同的毒性。FLUO在天然土壤中的毒性大于人工土壤,具体而言,在潮土中表现出最高的毒性。为了更好地研究FLUO对蚯蚓( Eisenia fetida)的毒性机制),我们选择潮土作为代表性土壤,并使用转录组学研究 FLUO 暴露后蚯蚓的基因表达。结果表明,FLUO暴露后蚯蚓的差异表达基因主要存在于蛋白质折叠、免疫、信号转导和细胞生长等途径。这可能是 FLUO 暴露对蚯蚓造成压力并影响其正常生长活动的原因。本研究填补了关于嗜球果伞素杀菌剂的土壤生物毒性的文献空白。即使在低浓度(0.1 mg kg -1)下,它也为此类杀菌剂的应用敲响了警钟。
